Results for "Love is the answer"

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    • Owen Besigye

      Hello my brothers and sisters. I am here for your assistance and am requesting you assist me by donating or sharing as it is also a spirit of love towards my life

      • Gumisiriza Julius

        Any help for food is a sign of love to the hungry, let God bless you all. Below is the campaign link for sharing and donating, thank you.

        • Kato Pare

          Answers for 10 Questions 8-5-2022 for this Week discussion peace? 5. Will man ever love his fellow men? 6. When will...such war. 5. Will man ever love his fellow men? 5. Jesus said...a better person? 10. The easy answer..., Jesus agreed that we should love God and our neighbor as ourselv...

          • Atwebmbire Owen(Andrew)

            Hello brother or sister. Greetings in Jesus name. I am here for your assistance towards my sisters treatment. You can help by donating or sharing as it Is also a sign of love and willingness

            • Gumisiriza Julius

              If you would share the Master's joy ,you must share his love. To share his love means that you have shared his service. Fulfilling the master's joy is to love through an act of devotion and service to mankind UB 180:4

              • Gumisiriza Julius

                If you would share the Master's joy ,you must share his love. To share his love means that you have shared his service. Fulfilling the master's joy is to love through an act of devotion and service to mankind UB 180:4

                • Atwebmbire Owen(Andrew)

                  Hello brothers and sisters here I am here for your assistance towards my sister's life. You can help by sharing or donating. Thanks for the love

                  • Bahati Allan Eric

                    Am humbled for being part of this mighty family, living a truthful life is what Jesus loved, iam Bahati Allan and Eric is a borrowed name from my dad, iam a...teacher, happy to be part of Urentia book, iam a researcher , I love f...

                    • Gumisiriza Julius

                      I love songs of Pato, please feel free to download and listen to them, apply it in your daily life. By Pato Banton the musician of this now generation. RIGHT CLICK TO...

                      • Lindianne  Sappington

                        ...have taught you patience, diligence, sharing, love, respect and prayer. We all are grateful to Paul Kemp, father of our beloved website dear sons of Uganda, you have faithfully answered questions, provided essenti...