Results for "Kampala, Africa From Mafubira, Mukono, Uganda"

Wall posts

    • Godwin Nasser

      Our new house is now complete but we still need funds to close,2 doors and 3 windows

      • Godwin Nasser

        Thank you God,I am looking forward to building structures to repair our house which

        • Godwin Nasser

          Dear brothers and sisters I also need help to create a house for our house which was destroyed by storm. Any amount from $5...view/33940/about/campaign-for-creating-a-better-home-in-uganda-for-godwin-nasser-a-urantia-b...

          • Evangelist  George  Kateu

            Hello everyone. Greetings from Uganda and Garden of Hope Children's Ministry Uganda. Keep praying for our vision of buying land and building our offices. You can also share our link so that we can get support

            • Godwin Nasser

              Dear brothers and sisters I also need help to create a house for our house which was destroyed by storm. Any amount from $5...view/33940/about/campaign-for-creating-a-better-home-in-uganda-for-godwin-nasser-a-urantia-b...

              • Godwin Nasser

                Dear brothers and sisters I also need help to create a house for our house which was destroyed by storm. Any amount from $5...view/33940/about/campaign-for-creating-a-better-home-in-uganda-for-godwin-nasser-a-urantia-b...

                • Ahulire Narasis

                  Greetings to all members of Urantia book readers in Uganda Africa and Western region part of Uganda but most especially to my favorite people in fort portal tourism city warmly welcoming you to this site of sharing...

                  • Magara Benjamin

                    Dear UB readers, I am thrilled to share some exciting news with all of you, CM...te to receive a shipment of 50 URANTIA books from Brot...ill take approximately one month to reach us from th...r spiritual path. As the coordinator of CMC Kampal...

                    • Billy John Waiswa

                      Dear friends, greetings from me and Youth in Act-Uganda. I need your prayers and support in my endeavors of reaching to pr...the Urantia Book, we would like to take a step into the Prisons in Uganda. The purpose of this message...

                      • Manyi john