Results for "Hope for my Community in Africa"

Wall posts

    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Pato and Antoinette's Africa Tour at Muga Child Outreach Philly Mugweri

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Pato & Antoinette Africa Tour NLAM Joseph Oyuki

        • Manyi john

          Day 1 . Group v of the August Uganda urantia conference. Me and my friends and answering toge...more . I am very happy that finally I have heard my questions answered atleast and I hope t...

          • Mugabane isaac

            We thank you for your continued support, prayers, We made resolution and change, the name of our organization from li...RITY FOUNDATION and legally registered with the government of Uganda as a CBO commun...

            • Mugabane isaac

              Mugabane charity foundation AIMS AND OBJECTIVES * Promote the rights of children * Promot...ike books, pens, shoes, uniform, bags etc *Promote community based health, nutrition, wate...against HIV/Aids *Empower the needy members of the commun...

              • Billy John Waiswa

                Hello everyone, It's my pleasure to come to you this day. Hope this finds you well. For a couple of weeks we have been working on a Five Year Strategic Plan than will guide us in the...

                • Mugabane isaac

                  Please share! Be part of this noble work HELP US BUILD A PERMANENT SHELTER FOR THE ORPHANE...The water source will also benefit the surrounding community which consists around 500 people, we also employing local people in the commun...

                  • Mission Young Generation Grace Africa Aid Project ( MYGGAAP)

                    Giving Hope to the invisible but existing Children and youths.

                    • Mugabane isaac

                      The words of the Bible call God’s people to actively pursue meeting the needs of children who h...ou can help make a difference, whether you are a prayer partner, a fundraiser, a Show Hope s...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        There are now 25 Registered for the Urantia Study. REASONS FOR READING THE URANTIA BOO...donation here.