Results for "Parliament of World%E2%80%99s Religions 2018"

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    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Five-year-old Alberto Cartuccia Cingolani performing Mozart's Piano Sonata No. 16 in C major Melody has power a whole world to transform. "One such human being could f...

      • Bahati Allan Eric

        Am humbled for being part of this mighty family, living a truthful life is what Jesus loved, iam Bahati Allan and Eric is a borrowed name from my dad, iam a student te...

        • Owen Besigye

          I greatly thank you for the mercy full heart you are showing the young generation which is so inspiring and of which has transformed many youths a cross the world, really thank you very much God will reward you with blessings as you're supporting us

          • Gumisiriza Julius

            I love songs of Pato, please feel free to download and listen to them, apply it in your daily life. By Pato Banton the musician of this now generation. RIGHT CLICK TO...

            • Billy John Waiswa

              In the efforts to avert famine, Youth in Act Uganda and Snake River Music Gardens are determined to create a sustainable food source in the world. It's our role and r...

              • Lindianne  Sappington

                To our faithful Ugandan correspondents, Youth in Act Uganda Director Waiswa John Billy, Youth in Act - Uganda Agriculturist Joseph Mulopi, World Gospel Ministries Ugan...

                • Tumwijukye simon

                  Hi son, I posted a Campaign for you on our Network. To be successful first you need to make friends who once they know you and learn to love you may be willing to assi...

                  • Gumisiriza Julius

                    Dear Brothers and Sisters. We are appealing for assistance towards the revelation work of the Urantia book. While donating please state whether it's for the revelati...

                    • Tumwijukye simon

                      27:7.7Sometimes all Paradise becomes engulfed in a dominating tide of spiritual and worshipful expression. Often the conductors of worship cannot control such phenomen...

                      • Tumwijukye simon

                        2:4.2 God is inherently kind, naturally compassionate, and everlastingly merciful. And never is it necessary that any influence be brought to bear upon the Father to c...