Results for "visit to Kampala Uganda"

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    • Kato Pare

      • Godwin Nasser

        We still need the following building materials Iron sheets, Cement and labour so I

        • Derrick

 By donating, you will help one of the most most heavily impacted communities in Uganda. $100 provides a family of four with 2 weeks’ worth of food and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). For $10, you can feed a family of 4 for an entire day.

          • Godwin Nasser

            Thank you God,I am looking forward to building structures to repair our house which

            • Godwin Nasser

              Thank you God,I am looking forward to building structures to repair our house which

              • Godwin Nasser

                God Almighty, everlasting Father! As I am studying the Urantia Book, please, let me

                • Godwin Nasser

                  God Almighty, everlasting Father! As I am studying the Urantia Book, please, let me

                  • Olupot Joseph

                    Praise the Lord brethren ,I'm Olupot joseph the executive director of the of holy Sama...going on support us by donating. Your loved ones from Uganda Africa....

                    • Godwin Nasser

                      Dear brothers and sisters I also need help to create a house for our house which was

                      • Godwin Nasser

                        Am reaching to everyone for help our house was destroyed by storm which took our