Results for "Crest Million Member Discipleship"

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    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Let's all give a warm welcome to our new member James Mercurio

      • Tom

        I discovered this recently when doing research on our current COVID crisis. It is another v...features of possible chemical reactions and biologic repercussions. More than half a million spec...

        • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

          We welcome you to FER ASCENDERS URANTIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KALIRO, We invit...NDERS URATIA BOOK FELLOWSHIP KALIRO members have discovered the integrat...ntia Book Fellowship Kaliro welcomes members from all races, cultures, na...l rejuvenation of humanity. Being a member of F...

          • Billy John Waiswa

            Dear friends, greetings from me and Youth in Act-Uganda. I need your prayers and suppor...essage is to solicit for your support. I need each member here to support me make go with me? May God speak into your hearts. Remember this...

            • RICHARD KATONO

              Good morning friends? We are here calling the spiritual people which can come and struggling with us here in Uganda Africa, we are here seeking some help to support one of the our group member who h...

              • Lindianne  Sappington

                To our faithful Ugandan correspondents, Youth in Act Uganda Director Waiswa John Billy, Youth in Act - Uga...r real life conditions as Uganda's people labor to raise more than a million AIDS orphans while hosting millions of...

                • Gumpi Andrew Cohen

                  URANTIA QUESTION AND POSSIBLE ANSWERS The Freshman Test of Knowledge of The [Urantia] are there in a constellation? 1. There are one millio...not directly stated but each is said to have up to 10 million 24....

                  • Tumwijukye simon

                    140:8.3 Jesus made clear to the three the difference between the requirements of apostleship and discipleship. And even then he did not for...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Any who are interested in establishing new and better educational systems for our children...cation- John Taylor Gatto, full documentary After nine years of research and a half-million doll...

                      • Tumwijukye simon

                        0:5.1 The soul of man is an experiential acquirement. As a mortal creature chooses to “do t...Today the path of Time goes on. The march of Time is never gone. We live upon this crest of tim...