Results for "OAN"

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    • Ahimbisibwe Lazarus

      ...ation for a campaigned me and my family. because I need to go back to school for education this semester, to get money for hospital demand to pay loans, to get food for my family,...

      • Tumwijukye simon

        ...te of the Master Son, but as the early creative helper of the Creator Son. Previous to this event the seraphim on duty in Nebadon were temporarily loaned by a neighboring universe....

        • Tumwijukye simon

 today, we will adapt. Adapting to new ways of life. Getting older causes strife. Slowly, slowly, aging bones Do their job, but with more groans. Accept the fact that we...

          • Tumwijukye simon

            ...e with all that comes my way. Various areas are portrayed In the landscape where I play. Beset with soreness in my bones, A snotty nose I must bemoan. A scratchy throat I will re...