Results for "New Beginnings 2023"

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    • Billy John Waiswa

      Hello everyone, It's my pleasure to come to you this day. Hope this finds you well. For a...rget to subscribe to our Channel. The plan will be implemented start January 2023 and it's our humble appeal to...

      • Godwin Nasser

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          The Campaigns Time out on December 30th I went through them all yesterday and reset those that were not for short term help to December 31st 2023. I only reset campaigns for a...

          • Gumisiriza Julius

            Uganda already in 2023, Congratulations The year of blessings!, Our soveign God, be with us in this year that we have come to. Congratulations everyone

            • Ngambeki Barnabas

              A new day, a new week,a new month,a new year,a new the eternal now! Do you...m opening Doors with in"- Be not concerned if your beginnings onto this spiritual life are small. All good things have small begi...

              • Gumisiriza Julius

                *Difference* *between* *a* *good* *perfomer* *and* *an* *outst...all that you do, and in every area of your life in 2023! God can promote you where yo...together!! Wishing you a happy and fruitful year 2023.

                • Mubangizi Osbert

                  Here is the Link to the ZOOM Meeting Sunday February 12th 2023 at 8:00 pm EAT Uganda Time. Paul Kemp is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Youth Uganda Revelation Studies Join Zoom Mee...

                  • Atwebmbire Owen(Andrew)

                    As the board committee, The way and the truth foundation iband...ern Uganda. That is scheduled as of 28th/January/2023. This idea came in when we r...56121/about/campaign-for-the-ibanda-urantia-seminar-2023?uh=aecbe18d70f3c6b46e56ba8590...

                    • Tumwijukye simon

                      118:8.10 As man shakes off the shackles of fear, as he bridges continents and oceans with his machines, generations and...garments of mercy when he dares to love his fellow men, while he achieves the begi...

                      • Gumisiriza Julius

                        Dear friends, Am inviting you to attend a 5hr zoom conference that is going to happen next month on 29th April, 2023 at 5pm- 9pm Uganda. We shall...