Results for "APPRECIATION"


    • Mugweri Philly

      Mission Statement

      ...not be achieved as he could not afford the tuition costs. Instead of being disappointed on missing out on his dream, Philly wanted to show his appreciation to his sponsor by giving back...

      • Mugweri Philly

        Muga Child Outreach - Purpose - Vision - Mission - Activities

        ...not be achieved as he could not afford the tuition costs. Instead of being disappointed on missing out on his dream, Philly wanted to show his appreciation to his sponsor by giving back...

        • i Witness NEWS

          Revolution This Hill is Worthy to Die Upon

          ...onality attainment -- the discovery of, and identification with, the indwelling Adjuster. An experience is good when it heightens the appreciation of beauty, augments the moral...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Profiles in Self-Reliance Eastern Oregon Backs Uganda’s Food Forest Program

            ...ustworthiness. Nothing can stand between you and opportunity for increased service except your own untrustworthiness, your lack of capacity for appreciation of the solemnity of trust....

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Communion Ceremony Reflections

              ...showing the child the way to live its best life and providing glimpses of better worlds, more noble futures. The Father nurtures in the soul an appreciation of what could be – what...