Results for "The Invisible Made Visible"

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    • Monica Kemp

      EDEN 3.0 by Monica Kemp

          Eden 3.0 by Monica Kemp A few mon...well! Yay! When: As you can see, short steps in progress have been made. W...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Classical Music Alters the Brain–Here’s How

        Classical Music Alters the Brain–Here’s How The main difference between classical and pop musi...gaze lowered. In the late stages of dementia, she no longer spoke to others or made ey...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          The Messenger's Pledge The Story of David Zebedee by Buck Weimer

          The Messenger's Pledge The Story of David Zebedee “I am neit...Once Jesus had chosen his twelve apostles, they made their residence at the Zebede...clusion of the messenger’s report, the Master made hi...