Results for "Back to School"

Discussion topics

    • Atwebmbire Owen(Andrew)

      The right to education of children Uganda

      ...he children that attend these schools come from poor families. &b...on. However some private schools are financed by government point is Makerere College School (government-owned school) whe...told me that I should not go back if I do not have books.”...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        A Modest Proposal by Fred Harris

        A Modest Proposal by Fred Harris Before enlighte...amps for the elderly, have a food bank, and have a clothes closet. Go to Sunday school, which is a good place to dis...

        • Gumisiriza Julius

          Urantia Book Internet School UBIS

          Registration for the new trimester opens on Monday, January 2   January Trimester Courses and Schedule    Registration opens on Monday, January 2.   Courses begin on January 9 and last for ten weeks.    Join us!

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Why Jesus Loved Friendship by Peter Wehner

            Why Jesus Loved Friendship Why Jesus Loved Friendship        Peter Wehner  The...ean for Jesus to call us his friends? The thread of friendship can be traced back t...

            • Gumisiriza Julius

              ECO SYSTEMS

              Dear friends, Our ecosystems of our environment have been destroyed, what ways can it bring back its glory? WHAT ARE YOUR VIEWS?

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Unpacking the Word “Peasant” Tiny Engines of Abundance

                Unpacking the Word “Peasant” April 18, 2023 by A Growing...res and practices were being erased. Against the backdrop of this gruesome and viol...g a term to reclaim their dignity and pride. Taking back t...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Reply on topic: THE TRIUMPH OF LOVE

                  Thank you for posting this important information Emmanuel, I have met in my lifetime many who have stumbled our revelation will become realised. Africa is already leading the way back t...

                  • i Witness NEWS


                    CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY - GLOBAL TRIAL BY THE PEOPLE IN PROGRESS NOW - INFORM YOURSELF Premeditated BIOWE...NITY" summary="Covid-19 did not begin three years ago but all the way back i...

                    • Monica Kemp

                      Preparations for the March 2024 Women's Corp Meeting

                      If you you do not have a hard copy of the UB and you wish to get the FREE online ver...questions to prepare you for our next meeting, as you would do for any class in school, and as part of your training...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        THE MAINTENANCE OF CIVILIZATION by the Archangel Circuit Present on this World

                        ...sic institution. The play and social life comes next, with the school last but equally indispensa...rchbearers will determine whether civilization goes forward or backward. The homes, churches, and schools of one generation predetermi...