Results for "Revelation Study Group"

Discussion topics

    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Reply on topic: The Arrival of Beings from other of the whirling world's of space throughout the generations of humankind.

      Question asked you •  Q● Religion: Is it possible that Gods were a more advance...ious race of advanced beings combining Evolutionary and Revel...hrough the bestowal of His Spirit of Truth making a new revel...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Reply on topic: WHERE ARE THE YOUTH?

        Thank you so much Emmanuel Audy for finding and bringing forth this important message from T...5. Our future is dependent upon an adequate response to this serious deficiency in the revel...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator


          ...was the perfect soil for the revelation to grow and an amazing number...a culture of separation. That groups of us had separate missions while studying the same exact teachings. Tw...ntinue as a culture of “study, study, study”. Thir...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Welcome Letter and Group Goal

              Children's Charity Su...ting to care for these children. This Group is for the Good Samaritans and CEOs of these Ministries. This Group will be focused upon making t...present on the Community to join this Group. It is our hope to help unite...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Early Urantia Movement History Reconsidered

              Early Urantia Movement History Reconsidered   I recently came across two rather d...t and aggressive evangelistic imperative with which the revel...process an unprecedented opportunity to bring a saving revel...

              • David Kantor

                Early Urantia Movement History Reconsidered

                Early Urantia Movement History Reconsidered   I recently came across two rather d...t and aggressive evangelistic imperative with which the revel...process an unprecedented opportunity to bring a saving revel...

                • Keren Carter

                  An appeal for help by Namulondu Justine the director of a children's charity in Uganda

                  Children's Charity I am posting this message on behalf of Numulondo Justine in an appeal for help for this children's ministry in Uganda Africa....

                  • Mwandha Julius

                    An Appeal for Help by Numulondo Justine

                    Children's Charity   I Am the Director of God’s Love and Care Ministry Bugiri- Uganda. My name is Numulondo Justine. I grew as an orph...

                    • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                      The secret of attaining happiness.

                      The only secret of attaining happiness is to learn how to appreciate our privileges in life. If we cultivate that our thanks to God, for His gifts are many and enormous. No meditation, no study...

                      • Rev. Abegunde Julius Taiwo.

                        My Love and Reason To Be In Fellowship with the Spirit Till Eternity.

                        My Love and Reason To Be In Fellowship with the Spirit Till Eternity. My Love and The beauty of the spiritual jo...titude of courage in understanding that there is much that we have yet to learn,study...