Results for "APPRECIATION"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Comment on "The end of capitalism has begun!"

      ...The third stage of light and life.  The third stage of light and life. During this epoch the inhabited worlds arrive at a new appreciation of the Ancients of Days, the...

      • Monica Kemp

        Comment on "Thanksgiving"

        This is beautiful, Mugerwa. Your gift to us is your sincere appreciation...which is a measure of spiritual grow.... How fortunate those little ones are to have you. And please add my appreciation to your devoted co-workers. T...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Comment on "Gratitude"

          One of my favorite reminders of the life experience of a true attitude of gratitude and appreciation of the life we live is Louie Schwartzberg video on Gratitude.  This for me tr...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Comment on "Wall posts"

            ...ustworthiness. Nothing can stand between you and opportunity for increased service except your own untrustworthiness, your lack of capacity for appreciation of the solemnity of trust....

            • Mubangizi Osbert

              Comment on "Wall posts"

              Much appreciation goes to our papa Mr Paul Kemp for the great work he does

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Comment on "Wall posts"

                ...his world and the next. John told Jesus how much he regretted that he had not been old enough to be one of the apostles and expressed his great appreciation that he had been permitted to...

                • PREACH Uganda Henry Wakabinga

                  Comment on "Wise Sayings"

                  My sincere appreciation to Brother Paul Kemp for his input to the design of our page. May you be blessed in multiples of times for you have tirelessly been at the front of our awful Publication. Join me in sending this tribute to him