Results for "Born Again Ministry Church of God"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Comment on "Wall posts"

      Snow Crystals        111:4.3 The advances of true civilization are all born i...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Comment on "Wall posts"

        I will try and have week 3 of God Discovered Jesus Meetup posted this week. This makes these lessons viewable on phones in Uganda. As the weeks are posted they wil...

        • Monica Kemp

          Comment on "Wall posts"

          And which part of this most attracts you, my dear? SO many wonderful concepts: 1. The spirit which lives within you(Father himself) 2. Being released from the fetters...

          • God Discovered

            Comment on "Wall posts"

            Love This! My thought: "The light inside does not have seasons." This Light, our indwelling Thought Adjusters, originate in Paradise which is outside of time and spac...

            • Nuwaha Edson(Patrick)

              Comment on "Wall posts"

              Thank you mama for your encouraging words for me,,,in the eyes of a believer, there is always a big tree and a long journey heading him to eternity ,, But few people ar...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Comment on "Wall posts"

                Hello Edson, Re your Comment son: Thank you mama for your encouraging words for me,,,in the eyes of a believer, there is always a big tree and a long journey headi...

                • Ndyamuhaki Nelson

                  Comment on "Answers"

                  Thank you for giving me a very wonderful and great answer and I thank God for revealing to you that paper and I pray that God continues making such revelations to you which will save many people from perishing.

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Comment on "Wall posts"

                    159:3.8 There is but one struggle for those who enter the kingdom, and that is to fight the good fight of faith. The believer has only one battle, and that is agains...

                    • Gumisiriza Julius

                      Comment on "Answers"

                      Children God father are their parents, indeed, for instance, when we are going to sleep we have to sing and pray as we have a sleep and too in the morning, even eating. Etc Wonderful understanding! Wow !

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Comment on "Religious revival 2023"

                        Thank you Owen and Josephat for creating this song of living faith in Him. When I was preparing to post Marin's God Discovered week 14 (Is Jesus our Saviour?)...