Results for "Grace Chosen Children"


    • Ndyamuhaki Nelson

      Comment on "Wall posts"

      That was a great lesson from Jesus about the great value of beauty as an influence leading to the urge to worship, especially with children. He preferred to commune with...

      • Monica Kemp

        Comment on "Wall posts"

        1. The best way depends on how resourceful and creative you are in communicating EMPHASIZE that he wants a personal relationship/friendship with each of his children!! And go from there... 4...

        • Monica Kemp

          Comment on "Summary of Paper 120 and 121"

          I thought I had amended the summary of Paper is a better one, I think!...outlined limitations of his life while here, as an example, he was not to bear children, leave any one behind after h...

          • Monica Kemp

            Comment on "Wall posts"

            When you read the preceding and following paragraphs, indeed the whole Paper, then y...f our Father) is throughly organized and designed in such a way as to help all children of Michael-Jesus, our Creator...

            • Paul Kemp Administrator

              Comment on "Wall posts"

              Daily Quotations from a Divine Revelation The Urantia Revelations May 4th...Salvation  "You see, then, that the Father gives salvation to the children of men, and this salvation is...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Comment on "Jackie Evancho - To Believe"

                Lyrics   Before I lay me down to rest I ask the Lord...ul place to stay Let all fighting cease that your childr...And there's so much to understand But if Your Grace should surround me Then I'l...

                • Monica Kemp

                  Comment on "Should I Stay or Should I Go?!"

                  AND! Didn't I JUST come to the realization and shared with Paul who explained WHY he realization was the ACT of his dying: the last GREAT loving SERVICE he gave to his children...thank you for confirming this to me!