Results for "Eternal Hope Gospel Primary School"


    • Nahurira Ivan

      Nahurira Ivan Necessities of life Campaign

      Nahurira Ivan Necessities of life earners earning less than $1.00 a day.. At School I am currently in S6 but I am having the most hardest time at school, always sent away from school...

      • Ndinawe Robert

        Ndinawe Robert,- Piggery Project for food for family during difficult times

        Hello greetings brothers and sisters. Am...s to finish up my A’level.(High school). We are three children in...her to get our basic needs like food, school fees, medical care, bills lik...ll be used to buy food, pay bills and school fees..    My brot...

        • Owen Besigye

          Owen Besigye Education Campaign

          Owen Besigye Education Campaign My advanced level of Education in Highschool offering BCM ( Biology Chemis...I have completely failed to raise my school fees and requirements to use...of not having parents. Below are the school bills and requirements. I...

          • Kansiime Justine

            Kansiime Justine Family Education Campaign

            Uganda Kansiime Justine Family Education Campaign Hello members I am Justine from Uganda requesting for your help in supporting my children with school fees I have five children...

            • Kyakusiimire wilber

              Kyakusiimire Wilber Education Campaign

              I am Ugandan and I have been studying...tia book. I am seeking help for school...I didn't study this term at school. I like schooling but the sit...y that is where I stopped but I hope if I get some help I can contin...kusiimire Wilber Thanks. My school requirements to attend Ibanda...

              • Muruhura Medard

                Muruhura Medard Education Campaign

                Hello to you my brothers and sisters. I greet you all in in my senior four class. But though going to school is like a myth I to my ears....ney to pay for our basic needs and also pay for my school fees.  Always I have...

                • Mubangizi Osbert

                  Education Campaign Osbert Mubangizi

                  ...would go gardening then go to school for her work and my dad was a...ll neighbors. l started my schooling and it was a well wisher pa...ees till l completed my lower primary and my dad stopped the well...more complicated with little hope of continuing with my studies,l...

                  • Nick Willz - Tumwijukye Simon

                    Educational Fundraiser Nick Willz - Tumwijukye Simon

                          My name is Tumw...m seeking help to continue my education. Our schools are boarding schools and the term fees and school...o the possibility of returning to school can be hoped for. Currently I have been una...

                    • Turyamureba brian

                      Brian Turyamureba and Kirabo Sheebah Family Business Startup Campaign

                      Brian Turyamureba & Kirabo Sheebah Family Business Startup Campaign   Hell...p; knit clothes but we don't have money for buying machine for tailoring. We hope i...

                      • Nick Willz - Tumwijukye Simon

                        Educational Fundraiser Nick Willz - Tumwijukye Simon

                              My name is Tumwijukye Simon, the possibility of returning to school can be hoped f...tly I have been unable to return to school. I am planning to join motor...ility of returning to school can be hoped for. Currently I have been una...