Education Campaign Osbert Mubangizi

Education Campaign  Osbert Mubangizi

Am osbert mubangizi a Ugandan by nationality aged 20 years.  My dad had many wives and so l grew up with my elder sister and half sisters and brothers.

We grew up in situations that were not easy,my dad would take all my mum's earnings and drink alcohol out of it all.There he would come back home drunk and mistreat my mum,beat us all that at times he would chase us from the house we sleep outside or at times from mercy full neighbors.

l started my schooling and it was a well wisher paying my school fees till l completed my lower primary and my dad stopped the well wisher from paying my fees and there life became more complicated with little hope of continuing with my studies,l started going to school with inadequate scholastic materials that l would beg from my friends.

God on my side l became the best performer in class and l was given dozen of books and pens that lasted me the following term but after that with the books getting done situations turned from worse to worst when l was chased from school because l was demanded school fees for the whole year and my property withheld by school authorities inciting that l have to first make payment before l gained possession of the property.

l was forced to change school with no property and there my mam sold the crops before it was time for harvesting she had planted that season and got a loan to fund my further studies since my dad had stopped her from working inciting that he wasn't given the salary but my mam had paid school fees of my elder sister. He even went ahead and sold the few hens my mam was rearing at home and out of the money he got he drunk alcohol at that time l even l tried committing suicide because I was tired of seeing my mam,my siblings and I being tortured almost on daily basis but my aunt counselled me and l felt calm again but situation hadn't changed.

l started doing some little work so as to earn a living to continue with my studies,l managed to raise some money and l went back to school though it didn't last long because of the school demands being high. l dropped out of school and started doing manual work at some stone quarrying firm.l started working hard to fund living costs,buy food and support my siblings since my parents has separated and it was us kids supposed to take care of ourselves.

Since 2017 l have been working off school time at some school to raise school fees but its beyond my abilities now with the tuition bills hiking to 2.5m ugx and getting a salary of ugx 150000 l cant be able to make it.

Am requesting that you help me raise funds and make a campaign for me Thanks very much

0% funded
0 CAD received
0 backers
309 days left
Money Pot
555 CAD
Dec 30, 2025
Ibanda Uganda


This campaign does not offer any rewards