Results for "Baobab Children Foundation"


    • Niwamanya Onesmas

      Niwamanya Onesmas Family Campaign

      Niwamanya Onesmas Family for the necessities of life   I am Niwamanya Onesmas aged 20 years...of my brothers and sisters living with my grandmother and mother. We are five children t...

      • Magara Benjamin

        Urantia Diehards Study Group Piggery Project

        Urantia Diehards Study Group Piggery Project   Project Name: Education Fund Piggery Project Names of participants 1. Niwamanya magara Benjamin (leade...

        • Twongirwe Ali (AliMax)

          Twongirwe Ali - Yesiga Ambroze - ilva Mbeeta Clean Water Village Campaign

          Twongirwe Ali - Nyesiga Ambroze - Silva Mbeeta Clean Water Village Campaign ...ople of about 210 people including both women and children, the construction of the ...thus reducing the number of cases of sickness in children,w...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Million Member Discipleship Support Campaign

            5th Epochal Revelation I AM Eden International Million Member Discipleship Suppor...ject we are undertaking. I AM Eden International.  The financial foundation upon which these adventures o...

            • Kizza Lawrence

              Nourishing Futures: Feeding Hungry Orphaned Children

              ...Many of these children come from backgrounds of extr...asic needs, we can help these children grow healthy and strong, both...ically and mentally, laying a foundation for a brighter future. child. $50 can feed five children for a week. $100 can ensure a...