Results for "THE BIGGER PLAN"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Q● It's better not to pray than to pray without the spirit of GOD? So what is the spirit of GOD? And how can I get it?

      Q● It's better not to pray than to pray without the sp...for the divine will. Prayer is a part of the divine plan for making over that which is...cinatingly indwell the children of the evolutionary planets. What the spirit of G...

      • The Strange Preacher

        Neurophysical Factors in Religious Thinking

        Some time ago I was invited to a conference entitled: Reli...when two people argue] and concocts a multi-pronged plan of attack involving rhetoric,...beit that this occurs on a much higher intellectual plane. Religious ‘nations...

        • i Witness NEWS

          The end of capitalism has begun!

          ...sed. The market destroyed the plan; individualism replaced collect...been reassembled, and is now bigger than it was in 2008. New rule...needed to support life on the planet. As a result, large part...ledge, in other words, made a bigger contribution to productive...

          • i Witness NEWS

            Political Tyranny

            Edward Snowden Describes the tyranny of Government and it's Police State...  “I’m not going to so far to say this is sort of an evil plan on behalf of the United Kingd...

            • Strange Preacher

              War & Peace

              War & Peace    From the abundance of the heart spring the issues of life and not scr..., and continue to die, for nothing more noble than ensuring rich men can have a bigg...

              • Pato Banton

                Go To God! ~ A Message from Antoinette Rootsdawtah

       is gonna be all right. The more I go to God, the more I realize the bigger picture, how things work, how...for myself or my environment, community etc, by realizing situations of plans a, b and c and acting upon t...

                • David Kantor

                  The Continuing Emergence of Urantia Religion: New Wineskins ● By David Kantor

                  The Continuing Emergence of Urantia Religion: New Wines...sub-units. When the Sadlers presented their plan to the revelators they were t...tual perspectives in virtually every country on the planet. In the early decades of...

                  • Pato Banton

                    Go To God! ~ A Message from Antoinette Rootsdawtah

           is gonna be all right. The more I go to God, the more I realize the bigger picture, how things work, how...for myself or my environment, community etc, by realizing situations of plans a, b and c and acting upon t...

                    • hu fujihd

                      Never Stop Developing - Escalator Supplier Fujihd

                      Fuji elevator company has rich product varieties. We can satisfy diverse requirements...item According to the development needs, the testing center this year will also plan to introduce a number of vibr...

                      • Susan M Sesay

                        Volunteers at Save The Young Girls Foundation Sierra Leone

                        Volunteer roles can range from teaching a class, to working one-on-one with students w...uirements, accommodation options and living costs right away so we can start to plan your trip as soon as you woul...