Results for "Mother's Heart Child Orphanage Uganda"


    • Faith Anthony

      Psalm 9 King James Version (KJV)

      Psalm 9 King James Version (KJV)   9 I will praise thee, O Lord, with my whole heart;...

      • Vaccine Awareness


        CLICK IMAGE ABOVE TO KNOW WHAT TO DO IF YOUR CHILD DIES FROM A VACCINE is a first-time mom who is heartbroken and mourning her baby; one of the many heart-aching stories we h...ffered from losing their child after vaccination. Coincid...

        • Vaccine Awareness

          Alina Poppy Murtagh MMR Vaccine Causes Loss Of Speech & Appetite, Horrendous Seizures and Then Her Death

          Alina Poppy Murtagh | MMR Vaccine Causes Loss Of Speech & App...This is a heartbreaking story from an Austral...rience and her only child’s tragic story. Sh...h her I learned the love of a child, love that has no boundary or...ive times. I did not have the heart to...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            I want to start a movement

            Profound Personality | I want to start a movement  Profound Personality I want to start a movement Well it's nothing new you see...

            • Joshua Ben Joseph

              Open Letter to President Trump from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò

              Open Letter to President Trump from Archbishop Carlo Maria Vi...would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness. The children...mies. And it appears that the children of darkness – whom w...mercenaries are allies of the children of darkness and hate the c...

              • Bishop Joseph Oyuki

                Tilling the Soil | Agriculture

                Tilling the Soil | Agriculture Uganda Economic...others efforts together to reach the unreached in Uganda and beyond. Your prayers and...tering the garden Irene my wife and the children fetching water for irrigati...

                • Machiventa Melchizedek


                  WE ARE BEING PLAYED. PLEASE READ. FROM GRACIOUS LIVING LIFESTYLE BLOG  ...d have the potential to “robotize” humanity and thus to deprive us of our heart...

                  • Angello

                    Spreading the Urantia Revelation in Uganda Africa | Golden Ages Foundation

                    Spreading the Urantia Revelation in Uganda Africa | Golden Ages Foundation A Special Thank you to The Great Urantia Source     

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Press Release HELP OUR FRIENDS IN AFRICA

                      Press Release: Help Our Friends In Africa <Quote> My dear brothers and sisters!...ood and faithful servant". How you can donate to us If you have it in your heart...

                      • Hope and Rescue Missions International

                        My Story | Naigaga Naume

                          Hope Orphans Centre-Iganga In Uganda their are over one million children orphaned and in need of the first born of the four children of my mother although my f...tarted life again with my four children...e NGO/CBS registration with 22 children under our care, we also sta...