Results for "The Water of Life"


    • Derrick

      The 4 benefits of committing yourself to God at all times.

      The 4 benefits of committing yourself to God at all times...Chronicles 23:30 We will be worthy of eternal life at His side One of His most f...ise of His second coming, surely is that of eternal life for all of His sons and daugh...

      • Strange Preacher

        'Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world!' Jn. 16:33

        ...values, dreams and vision, a life bereft of values, meaning and...the heart come the issues of life, murder, theft, adultery'...t an adequate vision of human life, it is easy to lose sight of...omise to deliver you from the waters of adversity, but I do prom...

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Celebrating Sustainable Projects: May 30/19 Report on positive efforts

          Celebrating Sustainable Projects Original Post by Hugh Perry Please give  ...16.  Dutch company can dye clothing without wate...

          • raglanlad

            Celebrating Sustainable Projects

            Celebrating Sustainable Projects Original Post by Hugh Perry Please  ...16.  Dutch company can dye clothing without wate...

            • raglanlad

              Celebrating Sustainable Projects: June 17th/19 Reporting 35 new positive efforts since June 6th

              ...rts since June 6th WILD LIFE PROTECTION: 1. Canada Canada Fireworks to protect wildlife  11. Germany opens 62...(it’s a start)  23. Water refill stations on streets i...tead of leather and cotton saving, water, co2, and animals. ...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                I Oversaw the US Nuclear Power Industry. Now I Think It Should Be Banned.

                Published on Friday, May 17, 2019 by Washington Post I Oversaw the US Nuclear Power Industry.&n...lobbied the commission and enlisted allies in Congress to disapprove, wate...

                • i Witness NEWS

                  The Man Who Saw Trump Coming A Century Ago A reader’s guide for the distraught

                  The Man Who Saw Trump Coming A Cent...d of (or forgot). His working life -- from 1890 to 1923 -- coinc...were concerned with the real-life conditions of human beings, a...pecuniary ability to afford a life of idleness.” Veblen...the material circumstances of life. New technology, he understoo...

                  • Mother Earth

                    Birth Song

                    Birth Song At the himba of Namibia in Southern Africa, the date of birth o...ther opportunity where villagers sing for the child. If, at any time during his life, the person commits an aberra...

                    • i Witness NEWS

                      Chemtrails: A Planetary Catastrophe Created by Geo-engineering

                      ...o;s potential to render the planet unfit for life … all life — human, animal, and pl...ough chemtrail-laden skies The rapid proliferation of chemtrail spraying o...area are literally dying because of lack of water and their consequent weakeni...

                      • Matte Jockas

                        What's the purpose of Living?

                        Greetings to you all the Urantia Family! When Jesus changes your life, it’s natural to want t...God changed us in a particular area of life. Whether we’re sha...he exciting adventure of the Christian life. When people decide to follow...