
    • Robert Walugosi

      VISITORS at Butiiki Children's Ministry

      Butiiki Children's Ministry         We children.  The Children you are supporting can be seen here. Group Activities can be seen h...

      • Agustin

        CN18 at Merida Yucatan mexico

        Conférence nationale 2018 English Orvonton Latinoamerica   &nbs...2018 Reunión Nacional de Lectores del Libro de Urant...fusión de las enseñanzas de El Libro de Urant...

        • Agustin

          Conférence nationale 2018

          Conférence nationale 2018 English Orvonton Latinoamerica     &n...2018 Réunion nationale de lecteurs du Livre de Urant...usion des enseignements tirés de l'Ouvrage de Urant...

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Experiments in Personal Religion: Study VII | Religious Experience through Crisis in Individual Growth and Social Experience | H. N. Wieman

            Experiments in Personal Religion: Study VII Religious Experience through Crisis in Individual Growth and Social Experience H. N. Wieman Salvation Through Cris...

            • Patrick Yesh


              Valerian   She said to him in the final scenes, "love is the strongest f...ision trusting Love universal love as the right way. It was. The movie mimicked the Urant...

              • David Kantor

                The Continuing Emergence of Urantia Religion: New Wineskins ● By David Kantor

                The Continuing Emergence of Urantia Religion: New Wineskins ●&nb...sp; Quotes from The Urantia Book   Over th...a church or trying to start a Urantia religion of some sort. Groups in Oklahoma City, Boulder, Mar...nd experiencing rapid growth. Urantia religion has been largely unr...

                • Pato Banton

                  Our Mission Statement 2017-2018

                  Our Mission Statement 2017-2018 By Ministers Pato Banton & A...  2. Make The Urantia Book and The Words Of Christ...them to create regular study groups and new circles of fraternity..... Host a weekly Urantia Study Group every Monday at 6pm PST at ou...

                  • Pato Banton

                    How do you use modern technology and social media to spread The Good News and The Teachings of The Urantia Book

                    How do you use modern technology and social media to spread The Goo...News and The Teachings of The Urantia Book. The question was...News and The Teachings of The Urantia Book. This video presentat...zing Technology and Media for Urantia Book Evangelism 1. Music M...

                    • Paul Kemp Administrator

                      Team Effort and Spiritual Unity

                      Team Effort and Spiritual Unity Effective and wise leadership. In civilization...ies concerned in the equation rather than the simple arithmetical sum. A social group of human beings in co-ordinat...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Accra Ghana

                        Accra Ghana   Well, we had a great time in the Netherlands supporting the 10th Annual Urant...