Results for "The Power of the People"


    • i Witness NEWS

      Saudi Attack on Qatar; U.S. Threat to Iran

      Saudi Attack on Qatar; U.S. Threat to Iran By Sara Flounders..., as the Doha International Airport in Qatar is a transit point for 37 million people a year. Qatar imports almost...

      • i Witness NEWS

        Canada: Fascist Shift, a New-old Right and Neo-liberalism

        ...she said. It is important for people to know this because many believe that fascism came to power violently and overnight. Know...hen enough concern encourages people to take to the streets to act...ressively consolidate fascist power. In both cases, state terror w...

        • Strange Preacher

          The Good Samaritan

          ...shocking and unsettling challenge to the prejudice and hypocrisy of his people! Jesus chose this type of in...t that he concocted a story that has lost none of its sweetness, or its power to illuminate, even after two...

          • Strange Preacher


            Abba Abba     The was in some way hostile to the traditions of his people is erroneous. Jesus had sacri...;I leave you peace; my peace I give you.’ The people of the world are limited in w...

            • i Witness NEWS

              North Korea and the “Axis of Evil”

              ...rld’s foremost military power. The media consensus &ndash...nization directed against the people of North Korea.  In the...rld’s foremost military power. The media consensus –wh...e necessary. The North Korean people regularly remark about this U...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                Sovereignty — Divine and Human

                ...try out their ability to gain power and authority over other pers...lly surrender their sovereign powers into the hands of the brother...overeignty is innate with the peoples of the world. When all the p...icies, alliances, balances of power, or any other type of makeshif...

                • i Witness NEWS

                  Take A Gander At This Amazing, But Little Known, 9-11 Story

                  Take A Gander At This Amazing, But Little K...York and into the Pentagon in DC. People were trying to use their cell...d earlier that they would be allowing people off the planes one plane at a...ldquo;Excursion” trips. Some people went on boat cruises of the l...

                  • i Witness NEWS

                    The Responsibility of Wealth

                    Planetary Crises - Economic Slavery Be Informed of the Dangers -Counseling THE WE...n will strive to accumulate riches and amass wealth-power by the enslavement or unfair...permit yourself to be so selfish as to employ money-power...

                    • i Witness NEWS

                      Ann Boroch Famous Holistic Author, Working Against Big Pharma, Found Dead

                      Ann Boroch Famous Holistic Author, Working Against B...cination, and she was actively campaigning for people to take control of their live...been the guiding light to healing for thousands of people around the world.” [...

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        World’s Poorest President Warns Public: ‘Remove Wealthy Elites from Politics’

                        World’s Poorest President Warns Publi...e to citizens worldwide, he has urged people to wake up to the financially...rating of 70 percent and had touched people globally with his selfless me...ity.” “The red carpet, people who play — those things...