Results for "The Great Escape from Net Zero Hunger Games"


    • i Witness NEWS

      Scientists say your “mind” isn’t confined to your brain, or even your body.

      FREE YOUR MIND Scientists say your “mind” isn’t confine...uo;s mind. You may compliment someone’s grea...disentangle our subjective view of the world from o...sciences, but much of the original idea came from...

      • Garrdin

        In olden times....

        In olden times....   In olden times the fetish word of authority was a...rocious of barbarous cruelties. Modern respect for wisdom and truth is but the recent escape from...

        • Bill Bricker

          What is your Opinion ~

          What is your opinion ~     Something funny, well maybe not, happened this morning on a personal posting. On one of my writings from...

          • Bill Bricker

            Spirit Concept

              Spirit Concept ~ I was born with a brain, and a body mind, and with these I was gifted with inherent talents that were potential. My brain, and...

            • Bill Bricker

              Diversity of Views

              Diversity of Views ~ We all have our own ideas what this life means to us. And I personally think that if everyone has their own ideas, and they are not har...

              • Jacob Godwins

                Socrates Was One Of The Smartest People Who Ever Lived. Here Are Some Of His Most Important Quotes!

                Socrates Was One Of The Smartest People Who Ever Lived. Here A...eved that philosophy should achieve practical results for the greate...ved this could be achieved by truly knowing ourselves and the great...

                • Garrdin

                  One Person Can Make a difference

                  One Person Can Make a difference The religionist is not unsympathetic with social suffering, not unmindful of civil injustice, not insulated from...

                  • Garrdin


                    • Garrdin

                      Three distinct forms of religious devotion

                      "While the religions of the world have a double origin—natural and revelatory—at any one time and among any one people there are to be found three dis...

                      • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                        Adopting the Samaritan Children from afar

                        Adopting Children From Afar Jane said  The head car...ndation Orphanage (Safo) and I have been discussing iadoption from that we could find individuals and families to "adopt from...