Results for "FAQ Images"


    • Bill Bricker

      What is your Opinion ~

      What is your opinion ~     Something funny, well maybe not, happened this morning on a personal posting. On one of my writings from...

      • Bill Bricker

        Spirit Concept

          Spirit Concept ~ I was born with a brain, and a body mind, and with these I was gifted with inherent talents that were potential. My brain, and b...

        • Bill Bricker

          Diversity of Views

          Diversity of Views ~ We all have our own ideas what this life means to us. And I personally think that if everyone has their own ideas, and they are not harm...

          • Jacob Godwins

            Socrates Was One Of The Smartest People Who Ever Lived. Here Are Some Of His Most Important Quotes!

            Socrates Was One Of The Smartest People Who Ever Lived. Here Are Some Of His Most Important Quotes!  Wisdom begins in wonder. - Socrat...

            • Garrdin

              One Person Can Make a difference

              One Person Can Make a difference The religionist is not unsympathetic with social suffering, not unmindful of civil injustice, not insulated from economic thinki...

              • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                Adopting the Samaritan Children from afar

                Adopting Children From Afar Jane said  The head caretaker of Samaritan Foundation Orphanage (Safo) and I have been discussing iadoption from afar. Our ho...

                • Robert Walugosi

                  Back To School Assistance Needed

                  Back To School Assistance  Hello my friends I call upon all of you a who are willing to help work with me as we pay school fees for these ministry children...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Teaching Our Children to Live Ideal Lives and Model Careers

                    Teaching Our Children to Live Ideal Lives and Model Careers Finding Role Models Models For Our Children  

                    • i Witness NEWS

                      Political Tyranny

                      Edward Snowden Describes the tyranny of Government and it's Police State Source - The Free Thought Project by Claire Bernish, May,...

                      • Garrdin

                        The Love of Truth

                        The Love of Truth In the love of truth and in the creation of Beauty the Father and the Son are equal except that the Son appears to devote himself more to the realization of the exclusively spiritual beauty of universal values. 6:2.7