Results for "Pamoja Needy African Children"


    • Baobab Children Foundation

      Celebrating the Festive holiday with the family of Foodstep

      Celebrating the Festive holiday with the family of Foodste...n Past Events | Published Blogs Baobab Children Foundation (BCF) celebrated t...wn into a beautiful, safe and loving place for the children and is now home to over 50 ch...

      • Baobab Children Foundation

        Kabaka Birthday Run

        Kabaka Birthday Run June 3, 2022 | in Past and Upcoming Events |  Past Events  |  Published Blogs Baobab Children Foundation gladly participate...

        • Baobab Children Foundation

          Easter package for people of wanyange

          Easter package for people of wanyange February 21, 2022  | in Past and Upcoming...depression at that time. On 3/4/21, as a way of celebrating easter, baobab children foundation, through charity g...

          • Baobab Children Foundation

            Identification, selection and enrollment of beneficiaries.

            Identification, selection and enrollment of beneficiaries. Febru...dation embarked on recruiting needy families as beneficiaries to continuity of school going children who really can’t sustai...truggles; both them and their children. This information helped the...

            • Bishop Moses Kaharwa

              SARMI Famine Relief Project Lake Nakuwa in Kaliro district, Buyuge and Buwumba Village

              SARMI Farming to Avoid Famine Uganda: World Food Program Reports: &...of people live below the poverty line 29% of from this will help us reach out to hundreds of needy people with a handful of food an...

              • Kato Pare

                The Master of Pain by Kato Pare

                The Master of Pain On other worlds, as well as...self-denial of the flesh, albeit the Father's children who have been born of the; it also is the gift of God. And if you are the children of this living faith, you are...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  There is great hope

                  There is great hope   There is great hope for any church that wors...t this world is neither flat nor is it the only planet inhabited by the Children of God.  For we are n...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Unpacking the Word “Peasant"

                    Unpacking the Word “Peasant” April 18, 2023 by A Growing...and “standing in the way of progress”; for “having too many children”; for being “dang...

                    • Gumisiriza Julius

                      Food Forest Blog

                      Food Forests Growing Tips Planting Sweet Potatoes From Slips An African...

                      • Nuwaha Edson(Patrick)

                        Africa Food Forest Agriculture today

                        Africa Food Forest Agriculture today      Agriculture today  In Uganda ther...lanted together with other crops such as cassava ,, here is a specie called. African...