Results for "The Jesus MeetUp"


    • Strange Preacher

      Should I Stay or Should I Go?!

      Should I Stay or Should I Go?! STRANGE PREACHER SUBSTACK INDEX..., a rather peculiar proclivity. ...Jesus referred one phase ...o;This episode also demonstrates that Jesus did not look with approval up...t with the uncompromised teachings of Jesus;...

      • Strange Preacher

        Should I Stay or Should I Go?!

        Should I Stay or Should I Go?! STRANGE PREACHER SUBSTACK INDEX..., a rather peculiar proclivity. ...Jesus referred one phase ...o;This episode also demonstrates that Jesus did not look with approval up...t with the uncompromised teachings of Jesus;...

        • Strange Preacher

          Rebellion and Free Speech

          Rebellion and Free Speech   We find ourselves in the Information Age, in...ues are exposed the quicker they can be dealt with. Jesus has no fear of truth. Indeed,...the spirit of the Adversary than of the Kingdom. Jesus...

          • Strange Preacher

            Rebellious Reflections

            Rebellious Reflections   It is a rather peculiar that Lucifer was design...ely their lives but their very souls. On this world Jesus didn’t just talk about...ged the gods to show themselves and the response of Jesus...

            • Strange Preacher

              The Rebellion and the Creator Son

              The Rebellion and the Creator Son   The rebellion worlds my life! But, through the life of Jesus, we know our Creator is most...en Michael incarnated on our world as Jesus he became an Agondonter. No d...ed, the light revealed in the life of Jesus...

              • Iheanacho

                The Need and Importance of The Urantia Book in the Christian Church

                The Need and Importance of The Urantia Book in the Chri...ssion Church, during the Jesus Birthday Celebration of Augus...n this dispensation/epoch. As Jesus came to fulfill, instead of d...and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). ...he very life and teachings of Jesus...