The Need and Importance of The Urantia Book in the Christian Church

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    The Need and Importance of The Urantia Book in the Christian Church

    This is an address delivered to a group of pastors, ministers, and heads of churches in Lagos, Nigeria, by Pastor Iheanacho Uwaoma of the Positive Way Mission Church, during the Jesus Birthday Celebration of August 21, 2024, 

    Dear brethren, friends and fellow ministers of the gospel, I consider myself very privileged to have this opportunity to address you all, great men and women assembled here today. I also  consider myself highly favored for being divinely led to The Urantia Book with my family, and later my church and the worldwide community of users of this wonderful spiritual masterpiece. 

    The Urantia Book is a positive, balanced, enlightening, spiritually enriching revelation to all humanity in this dispensation/epoch. As Jesus came to fulfill, instead of destroying, the Law, the Urantia revelation has come to give wings to the grace and truth of the Christian faith, so that it now soars above the ground, on high, thereby drawing all men and women to a living relationship with the Father in Heaven and with our fellows. Not a jot or tittle of it was authored by any human on earth.  

    One may ask, since we have the Bible, why do we bother about any other revelations, knowing that there are many false teachings going around in the whole world at present? The Urantia Book itself gives us the right answer to the question at 3:5.10: “Is the love of truth and the  willingness to go wherever it leads, desirable? Then must man grow up in a world where error is present and falsehood always possible.” The book therefore provides all with what is essential for us to grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). 

    Every human being, Christians included, needs the assurance that the very God of Heaven and Earth is living close to, indeed inside, each one of us. The Bible hinted at it, The Urantia Book highlighted and elaborated this great truth—that the heavenly father through his divine presence in you relates with you as the spirit component of your being. 

    The Christian church needs to know  emphatically about the spirit of man as revealed through the Urantia papers. It needs to know that “…an actual  fragment of the living God resides within the intellect of every normal minded and morally conscious Urantia mortal.” (5: 0.1) 

    The book calls this fragment the Thought Adjuster and Mystery Monitor. It renders clearer the meaning of the scriptural verse—see Rom 8:16: “The spirit itself  beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God.” While in The Urantia Book we read: “And this spirit of truth, speaking for the spiritual endowment of your souls, will help you to know that you are the sons of God. It will unfailingly bear witness with the Father’s indwelling presence, your spirit…telling you that you are in reality the sons of God.” (146:3.6) See also Prov. 20:2: “The spirit  of man…” and Ecc. 12:7. 

    The Urantia Book fills the need for the abridgment of the feeling and sense of isolation that plagues this world. It provides the revelation of the existence of not just one heaven and one  earth in creation, but the existence of the heaven of heavens, millions of earths in our universe and trillions of earths in the universe of universes all teeming with uncountable beings many of whom are mortals just like we are. It reveals the truth of our being members in a divine, grand and cosmic family relationship on our ascension journey to paradise, striving to fulfill the mandate of the Father that has called us to perfection.  

    One other need the Urantia revelation fulfills for the church is that of clarity. So many matters that we waited for in the by-and-by to understand them better, God has mercifully revealed and made them known to us at this time through The Urantia Book. Time and space constrain me but let me mention some here without giving much elaboration: 

    The nature of your paradise ascension career—the heaven we are going to. 

    God’s divine purpose for you and for all. And the exposition on myriad divine personalities  and beings marshaled to assist us to reach the goal.

    The provision that God has furnished to us to guarantee our survival if that is what we choose.  

    Clarity about the material/human mind. This book states that “Material mind is the arena in  which human personalities live, are self-conscious, make decisions, choose God or forsake  him, eternalize or destroy themselves.” (111:1.3). 

    Our safety as citizens of this world and this universe. Those who are mindful to do the will of our heavenly Father we can state, like Jesus, “I do not believe that real harm  can befall me; I do not believe that my lifework can really be jeopardized by anything my enemies might wish to visit upon me, and surely, we have no violence to fear from our friends. I am absolutely assured that the entire universe is friendly to me—this all-powerful truth I  insist on believing with a wholehearted trust despite all appearances to the contrary.” (133:1.4). 

    Love, presented as the greatest spirit reality and the greatest relationship in the world and universe. It comes from God and he who dwells in love dwells in God. It is simply the desire to do good to others. 

    Faith. It initiates man into the world of divinity (103:9.6), is the supreme assertion of the human mind (3:5.9) and is the source of divine energy to remake the world. (94:6.8) 

    Prayer—the best way to contact God, asking God for wisdom and strength while attacking problems at hand. (91:6.5,7) 

    Angels, called ministering spirits, all taking their origin from the infinite spirit. (30:2.82)

    Jesus, revealed as God incarnate in man. Our world Urantia belongs to a local universe called Nebadon whose creator and sovereign is the Godman of Nebadon, Jesus of Nazareth and Micheal of Nebadon. (32:0.3)

    Your responsibility and God’s responsibility for salvation (survival). 

    The devil’s current position and place in the scheme of things in our world. 

    The relationships connecting error, evil, sin, and iniquity. The place of forgiveness with God and man. 

    What Jesus himself stated for one to do to be saved: “Believe this gospel of the kingdom; accept divine forgiveness. By faith recognize the indwelling spirit of God, whose acceptance makes you a son of God.” (150: 5.2) 

    The place of Adam and Eve in the history and origin of mankind on this world. 

    So what is the significance and importance of the UB revelation to the world, especially the Christian church? 

    The revelation message cites a large percentage of the Christian Bible text. It testifies that the truth about the divine in our world today has its highest concentration within the Christian message. 

    It challenges Christians to higher levels of consecration, shifting emphasis from atonement to attunement with the divine spirit within every one of us. And it also enhances zeal through enriched knowledge from contact with the book. 

    It gives clear guidelines to knowing and doing God’s will by furnishing us with the true nature, character and attributes of God. 

    It furnishes the Christian with the highest level of information about our beloved Lord and savior Jesus, Christ Micheal, the son of God, concerning his preincarnate existence as the  creator of our universe. And it even more beautifully presents us with the greatest information and knowledge every believer ever would desire to have about the very life and teachings of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the man of the realm—the son of man. This fills the gaps of  information in the Bible concerning him who is fairer than all the sons of men. 

    It gives the Christian a complete and balanced insight about the relationship that science, philosophy and religion share together, creating a balance in our appreciation of the truth about God and our existence in the universe to the highest level we can intellectually grasp in this world. 

    It gives the Christian a full understanding of the heaven we all are striving to enter—indeed, the seven levels of heaven in existence. 

    Its revelations give the assurance that this world is still good and full of God’s glory as Prophet Isaiah saw in his vision. It is a proper place where all are valued equally and afforded the opportunity to receive proper training and experience to prepare us to render good services to all, both in this world and beyond. 

    The book is wholly positive, and it makes one acquire a positive mindset in life. And it is a fantastic, inexhaustible source material for every gospel minister’s use in preparing positive, enriching, and inspiring messages for the spiritual growth of the congregations. 

    It puts the stories of the Bible in their right perspectives. It places historical facts, truths, myths, legends, fables, evolutionary developments, and revelations in the Bible texts in the correct place in one’s mind for proper discernment and application. 

    It is indeed the gift of the divine to everyone in our world today. 

    We are implored to explore the book for ourselves with an open, unbiased and bold mind. And we are to proceed to live based on the highest consciousness of the truth we acquire. “Choosing to respond to divine leading; sincerely basing the human life on the highest  consciousness of truth, beauty, and goodness, and then coordinating these qualities of divinity through wisdom, worship, faith, and love.” (110:3.7) 

    Afterwards, let us formulate our own independent opinions. Let’s have conversations. Let’s take the message to the whole world as is required of us good stewards of the oracles of God in our generation. 

    We highly appreciate all the people known and unknown to us that have already contributed to our mission. Of note are: The Urantia Library, The Urantia Foundation, The Christ Micheal Center, Pastor Soren Vestergaard, Mrs. Adedoyin Awoyinka and many others. We pray for more grace and  blessings upon them all. 

    Thanks so much for listening. God bless you all in Jesus’ name. 


    The mission statement of the Positive Way Mission Church in Lagos is to deliver the ideal ministration for a divine lifting in the minds and lives of all. Its vision is that all enjoy the best of God in this life and in eternity. 

    • Monica Kemp
      By Monica Kemp

      Absolutely are truly an evangel and one of his, along with AliceJane, his are bravely carrying out your part and will be ready to face your "reckoning", brother!

      In accordance with the truth committed to your hands will the Master of truth require a reckoning.

      176:3.8 (1918.1)In the next world you will be asked to give an account of the endowments and stewardships of this world. Whether inherent talents are few or many, a just and merciful reckoning must be faced...

    • Bishop Moses Kaharwa
      By Bishop Moses Kaharwa

      "And I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people." - Revelation 14:6 (KJV)

      This verse suggests that a new revelation or message will be shared with the world, which aligns with the Urantia Book's purpose of providing a new spiritual perspective.

      Papers in the Urantia Book:

      - Paper 195: "The Urantia Book is a revelation of truth which will become the foundation for a new era of spiritual growth and enlightenment on the planet." (195:10.1)
      - Paper 196: "This book is a gift to the churches, a new revelation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which will help to revitalize and unify the Christian faith." (196:3.34)

      These papers emphasize the Urantia Book's significance as a spiritual revelation that can revitalize and unify the Christian faith, making it a valuable resource for the church today.

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