Results for "Because we share life"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      Urantia Uganda Revelation Outreach - The Good News

      Urantia Uganda Revelation Outreach - The Good News...Public TO DAY I HAVE VISITED A NEW SCHOOL WHERE I SHARED THE NEW REVELATION.  ...richingCommunity #UrantiaConference2020 #TheWordIsLife On March 2...

      • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

        Our Future

        Our Future   Nothing that happens in life is a surprise to God.  We may not know what today has in store, but we can trust the One who holds the future. He is always at...

        • Bishop Joseph Oyuki

          Are the citizens of the world afraid that the world is coming to an end?

          Are the citizens of the world afraid that the world is coming to an end? &...s not close to even the top 20 epidemics. Let me share with you the world's wors...6 million people died but it didn't terrify you beca...

          • The Strange Preacher

            The Opening of the First Seal

            The Strange Preacher The Opening of the First Seal    ...s relationship he promised we would find new life, abundant life, even everlasting life. He ha...what we might do to weather the storms ahead because, no matter what, the storm...

            • Bishop Joseph Oyuki

              Are the citizens of the world afraid that the world is coming to an end?

              Are the citizens of the world afraid that the world is coming to an end? &...s not close to even the top 20 epidemics. Let me share with you the world's wors...6 million people died but it didn't terrify you beca...

              • Paul Kemp Administrator

                The 5G War — Technology versus Humanity

                The 5G War — Technology versus...ects to both plant and animal life.”   A call, children, plants, and wildlife – not just adult male h...6 GHz, 5G exposes biological life to pulsed signals in the 30 G...lem more widespread, and make life unbearable for those already...

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  5G= intense RF radiation. Demand a 5G moratorium in Canada until Govt can prove it's safe.

                  5G= intense RF radiation. Demand a 5G moratorium in Canada until Govt can prove it's safe.  ...limits and the dangers of 5G.  Huawei is not the only 5G issue! Please shar...

                  • i Witness NEWS

                    The Elite’s COVID-19 Coup Against a Terrified Humanity: Resisting Powerfully

                    The Elite’s COVID-19 Coup Against a Terrified Humanity: R...c’ was quite clever. Because the fear of contracting the and universal human right. Because we live in a digital era, we...violent repression. However, becau...he Flame Tree Project to Save Life on Earth’. This project...

                    • Vaccine Awareness


            , 2018 and they said it was because of Sudden Infant Death Syndro...vaccines, but not all of them because I didn’t allow that. I...uo;s such a shock. Jessica Shares Her Story My son Charlie was...nbsp;against them all. My mom shared I had received my vaccinatio...

                      • Vaccine Awareness

                        Alina Poppy Murtagh MMR Vaccine Causes Loss Of Speech & Appetite, Horrendous Seizures and Then Her Death

                        ...ella (MMR) vaccination. Ranji shares her painful experience and her...gic story. She hopes the life of her baby girl will help someo...lived every day of her little life to the fullest before ...pying me having my coffee. Life was good! I was living my drea...