Are the citizens of the world afraid that the world is coming to an end?

    Bishop Joseph Oyuki
    • 1

    Are the citizens of the world afraid that the world is coming to an end?



    Are the citizens of the world afraid that the world is coming to an end? Do you feel like this is the worst disease outbreak? No, it's not close to even the top 20 epidemics.

    Let me share with you the world's worst pandemics of all times.



    1. ANTONINE PLAGUE This occurred in 165AD and claimed 5 million lives. It swept over Asia, Egypt, Greece and Italy. Just in case you think it's the first time Italy is leading.

    2. PLAGUE OF JUSTINIAN. It occurred between 541 to 542, just in 1 year 25 million people were dead. Each day, death toll counted 10,000.

    3. THE BLACK DEATH. This was by far the worst. It occurred from 1346-1353, that was 7 years long pandemic. It was caused by bubonic plague transmitted by fleas.

    By that time, the world's population was 400 million, then 200 million died. Half of the world's population died. If the world was to end with a disease, it would end that time not with corona.

    It is said that during that plague, the living spent most of their time hurrying the dead in mass graves and yet others were left unburied.

    4. THE 3RD PLAGUE OF 1855 This one also started from China and killed 10 million Indians in less than one year. You wouldn't want to hear the total number of global death. By now you want to ask me whether the world ended, the answer is it didn't, lol.

    5. THE FLU PANDEMIC Also known as THE SPANISH FLU. It was between 1918 to 1920, just 100 years ago. By that time the world had 1.5 billion people, 500 million got the disease and that was 1/3 of the total population. In the first week alone, there was a record 25 million deaths, worse than first world war itself.

    Corona virus is mostly killing the elderly and those already weakened by other diseases but the Spanish flu respected no age group, it claimed 50 million lives.

    6. HIV AIDS. You didn't expect this one, did you? Perhaps u forgot about it but the disease still rear it's ugly head across the world. The peak record deaths was between 2005-2012. In 7 years, 36 million people died but it didn't terrify you because it was not on news like corona.

    7.Coronavirus. By today, corona death is not close to half a million, no. Whenever you feel frightened by corona, just know that it will never be recorded among world's top 20 pandemics, it's not close. The world is not ending with it, we shall live on. Well, people are dying but not even half will die. We shall remain.

    Stay hopeful

    Stay positive

    Stay home

    Stay Safe

    And follow the good counsel of Jesus

    Be of Good Cheer - Have no Fear


    Bishop Joseph Oyuki

    Bishop Joseph Oyuki

    About me

    The New Life Africa Ministries


    I am currently engaged in overseeing The New Life Africa Ministries and New life Missionary Churches.


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