Results for "The Power of the People"


    • Bill Bricker

      My Relationship with God

      My Relationship with God ~         My 'Relationship' with...9; between God and I that is the religion. Religion is an action.  It has power...

      • ET NEWS

        ET News of the Prayer Life on Other Worlds of Space

        We Are Not Alone in the Universe ● Their are 619 Inhabited Worlds in our System of...r yours is the glorious indwelling, the everlasting power, And to us, the eternal gift...l progress. Fill us with wisdom to the fullness of power...

        • Bill Bricker

          Power and Freedom

          Power and Freedom ~ Privilege is won by those with self-cont...own selfish desires. Freedom born of Power is only for those who have st...e, and steadfastly refuse to use that power for their own self-enhancemen...e liberty without license, to possess power...

          • i Witness NEWS

            The end of capitalism has begun!

            ...put on hold. Even now many people fail to grasp the true meani...e’s peering at Excel or Powerpoint, the passenger cabin is b...e reconfigured. In fact, once people understand the logic of the p...e system; to use governmental power in a radical and disruptive wa...

            • i Witness NEWS

              Jeremy Corbyn is Britain’s Best Hope

     terrorist putting innocent people’s lives at risk.&rdquo...e Syria and remove Assad from power, which has resulted in the allowed the richest 1,000 people in the UK to increase their w...ed on political and corporate power. That power is cemented by the...

              • i Witness NEWS

                America’s War against the People of Korea: The Historical Record of US War Crimes

                ...g struggle of the Palestinian people against Israel, the US sponso...handed over to a new colonial power, the United States of America....provisional government of the People’s Republic of Korea (PR...d buildup by the North Korean People’s Army along the 38th P...

                • i Witness NEWS

                  WikiTRIBUNE ● A new kind of news platform.

                    A new kind of news platform. Wikitribune is a news platf...thly subscriptions In order to deliver on our promise, we need people who care about good journalism. People like you. Support us in our m...

                  • i Witness NEWS

                    Scientists say your “mind” isn’t confined to your brain, or even your body.

                    FREE YOUR MIND Scientists say your “mind” isn’t confined how we perceive our own minds. He talks of doing research in Namibia, where people he spoke to attributed their...

                    • Bill Bricker

                      What is your Opinion ~

                      What is your opinion ~     Something funny, wel...hateful, or angry, or needing revenge... what a scary universe that would be! People don't want their fear foo...

                      • Bill Bricker

                        Spirit Concept

                          Spirit Concept ~ I was born with a brain, and a body mind, and with these I was gifted with...bout life and deep personal spiritual Values. I have free-will decision making power...