Results for "Teachings of Amenemope"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand manifest

      The Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand   The hour has come whe...e must come a revival of the actual teachings of Jesus, such a restatement...ries students of the records of his teachings became divided up into so man...spensation where the Master’s teachings...

      • Agustin

        Invitation to the CN18 in Merida, Mexico

        Invitation to the CN18 in Merida, Mexico Spanish Orvonton Latinoamerica        ...l Technology Epistemology toward approaches in teaching and learning on UB teachings...

        • Pato Banton

          Our Mission Statement 2017-2018

          Our Mission Statement 2017-2018 By Ministers Pato Banton & Antoinette “Roots Dawtah” Hall 1...sible & available at our concerts. As well as introducing these beautiful teachings...

          • Pato Banton

            How do you use modern technology and social media to spread The Good News and The Teachings of The Urantia Book

            How do you use modern technology and social media to spread The Good News and The Teachings of The Urantia Book. The question was posed to Pato &...dern technology and social media to spread The Good News and The Teachings...

            • Derrick

              5 Actions that Will Allow you to Regain Hope

              We see the actions of people every day who follow the path of salvation that God offers us. Let us contemplate their...hat Jesus did not miss a single opportunity to be able to inspire us with His teachings...

              • Strange Preacher

                'Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world!' Jn. 16:33

                'Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world!' Jn. 16:33 Economically...y appreciate the depth of insight implicit in the teachings of Jesus. When he declares, & the Father, Jn 17: 20 - 22 . This facet of his teachings...

                • Atwebmbire Owen(Andrew)

                  Urantia Revelation Information

                  Urantia Revelation Information 1. **Comprehensive Exploration:** "The Urantia... 6. **Personal Growth and Reflection:** The teachings of Urantia encourage** The practical application of Urantia's teachings...

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator


                    A Vision of The Future of this World   "But I have many other sheep not..., he would, during the evening classes, more fully and explicitly expound his teachings...

                    • Derrick

                      6 Ways to Help Others When They Need it Most.

                      Is all help good? How should I do it? Follow these steps to become the Good Samaritan. the best advice we can offer is to turn to the teachings of Christ to find the answer....because He wanted it that way, because beyond the teachings...

                      • The Strange Preacher

                        Reflections on the Publication Mandate

                        Reflections on the Publication Mandate November 04, 2020...ed and blessed to receive the teachings must be content with a long a...acquired through studying the teachings related thereto. The second s...has faced over the years. The teachings single out one challenge as p...