
    • Paul Kemp Administrator

      MELODY has Power a whole world to TRANSFORM Concerning the times of the coming again of the Son of Man, no one in heaven or on earth may presume t...

      • Bill Bricker


        Gratitude ~   What are we grateful for in life? How do we show that gratitude to others in life? Is our gratitude Internal or is it an external sh...

        • ET NEWS

          ET News of the Prayer Life on Other Worlds of Space

          We Are Not Alone in the Universe ● Their are 619 Inhabited Worlds in our System of worlds ● The Master Universe is filled with inhabited whirling world's of space ET News...

          • i Witness NEWS

            The Path to Total Dictatorship: America’s Shadow Government & Its Silent Coup

   Published on Apr 4, 2017 Say hello to America’s shadow government: a corporatized, militarized,...

            • i Witness NEWS

              The end of capitalism has begun!

                The red flags and marching songs of Syriza ...ecause of three major changes information technology has brought about...cent life for all. Second, information is corroding the market&rsquo...and the scientific method is information technology and its spillov...

              • Bill Bricker

                Seeds in the Wind

                Seeds in the Wind ~   It seems we are all trying our best to face this religious challenge, described in the quote from the Uranti...

                • i Witness NEWS

                  Jeremy Corbyn is Britain’s Best Hope

                  By Colin Todhunter Global Research, April 28, 2017 Region: Europe Theme: Poverty &...tical and corporate power. That power is cemented by the netwo...

                  • i Witness NEWS

                    America’s War against the People of Korea: The Historical Record of US War Crimes

                    By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, April 30, 2017... of war propaganda which is fed into the news...d propaganda –funnelled into the ROK news...

                    • i Witness NEWS

                      WikiTRIBUNE ● A new kind of news platform.

                        A new kind of news platform. Wikitribune is a news platform that brings journali...ved. Why?  The news is broken and we can fix it....hat’ll present accurate information with real evidence, so...WikiTribune apart from other news platforms? 1. See the s...

                      • i Witness NEWS

                        Scientists say your “mind” isn’t confined to your brain, or even your body.

                        FREE YOUR MIND Scientists say your “mind” isn’t confined to your br...rgent self-organizing process, both embodied and relational, that regulates energy and infor...