Results for "Finding Role Models For Our Children"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator


      New Hope for African Children Ministry Teachings

      • Paul Kemp Administrator

        Sponsorship Album Life Care Ministries.

        Life Care Ministries Sponsorship Album Director Mugabane Isaac See Our Children's Carousel         

        • Paul Kemp Administrator

          Sponsorship Album God's Care Orphanage

          Sponsorship Album God's Care their lives. 2. To teach the children micro credit for example savi...To advice and transform the lives of children as a community example thus d...or both). 5. Caring for the needy children and vulnerable ones. 6. Eq...

          • Billy John Waiswa

            Campaign Fundraiser Album

            Campaign Fundraiser Album        Donations Also

            • Strokes of Hope

              Strokes of Hope

              All proceeds of my artwork go to the building of a home and school for underprivileged children in Lagos Africa 

              • Strokes of Hope

                Strokes of Hope

                All proceeds of my artwork go to the building of a home and school for underprivileged children in Lagos Africa 

                • Bishop Joseph Oyuki

                  Our Blog Images

                  NEW LIFE AFRICA MINISTRIES Blog Images       W....   Married to Irene Nakirya Oyuki and have a family with children, we are obedient to the Great...

                  • Isiri Salim


                    Pamoja Needy African Children Organization Slides

                    • Isiri Salim

                      Profile Images

                      Pamoja Needy African Children Organization