Results for "Hope Child Care Ministries"


    • Paul Kemp Administrator


      Scriptures Do not overlook the value of your spiritual heritage, the river...gospel will persist gloriously to illuminate a new and better way.  The true child of u...

      • Paul Kemp Administrator


        Scriptures Do not overlook the value of your spiritual heritage, the river of truth running down through the centuries,   The true child of u...

        • Wantanda Ronald

          Providing The Necessities of Life

          The Necessities of Life   Welcome   I am th...d an outreach platform for these orphaned children of the next generation. Lo...mselves .   I have 35 orphaned chil...tion, education so that children can have hope for t...

          • Marissa Bodden

            School Supplies and Clothing

            School Supplies and Dress Codes Welcome   I am the...d an outreach platform for these orphaned children of the next generation. Lo...t help themselves . I have 35 orphaned chil...tion, education so that children can have hope for t...

            • Wantanda Ronald

              New Building Projects

              New Building Projects   Welcome   I am the...d an outreach platform for these orphaned children of the next generation. Lo...t help themselves . I have 35 orphaned chil...tion, education so that children can have hope for t...

              • Kirunda Jackson

                Profile Images

                Profile Images Hope Child Ministries Uganda  

                • Kirunda Jackson

                  Hope Child Care Ministry Sponsorship Album

                  Hope Child Care Ministry Sponsorship Album           

                  • Paul Kemp Administrator

                    Sponsorship Album

                      Nsaba Orphanage Sponsorship Program...GANISATION To enable all children to reach their optimum pot...nda. To provide daily respite care for families with Orphans. To...tion and support to families, careers and communities in the care of children and young adults with spe...

                    • Bishop Joseph Oyuki

                      Our Family Album

                      NEW LIFE AFRICA MINISTRIES

                      • Tonny Mutekyereze

                        Group Profile Images

                        God's Care Orphanage