Results for "Life & Teachings of Jesus"


    • Matte Jockas


      DESTINY OF A CHILD THROUGH MOTHERS     This is a collection of children's photos that have been impacted by Horvath Childr...

      • kasozi martin poster

        Prayer & Thanksgiving

        Prayers and Thanksgiving Director Kasozi Martin Poster              

        • Kebba Isaac


          You view my photos here, am such a disabled man who likes to serve God for the rest of my entire life. See how good for brothers to be together having the love of God. Remember the greatest commandment jesus gave us.

          • Paul Kemp Administrator

            Photo of the Day

              Nsaba Orphanage  PHOTO OF THE DAY...their families. They are teaching people how to get ahead in life. The...nd advocate for fair policies and laws that affect the daily life...

            • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

              Terri & Hadijja

              Terri & Hadijja

              • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                Lyn Bassage Sewert & Favor

                Lyn Bassage Sewert & Favor

                • Paul Kemp Administrator

                  Requests for Help

                  Lead Orphans Organization Uganda      Founded in 2015, Le...n Another important area of our work is education. Without a formal education, the lifec...

                  • Mugerwa Isaac Shamiru

                    Darlene & Namataka Shanita

                    Samaritan Adoption from Afar Adopted by Darlene  Darlene Gladu Petrie She is growing very fast!!!! She is so BEAUTIFUL!!! Happy happy be...

                    • Billy John Waiswa

                      Happy Children

                      • Paul Kemp Administrator

                        Our Children's Sponsorship Album

                        Our Children's Sponsorship Album       Welcome t...Ministry Mayuge Uganda Sponsorship Program. I am Wandha Yoweri the Founder &...