Results for "arm"


    • Robert Kirabira

      Robert Kirabira

      About me: ...arly age of 9 years; carrying water on his head from wells and walking long distances of 2 miles to sell it in his village, worked on people's farms/gardens, crushed rocks to ma...

      • Abigaba Rachael

        Abigaba Rachael

        About me: having a very complicated life with my family and their real needs for the necessities of life. We have a small piece of land where we can do farming to get food but also it no...

        • Tumwebaze mark

          Tumwebaze mark

          Intro: ...ties here in Uganda of those children with HIV aids and sickle cell which is common here in Uganda and has killed many helpless children.we have a farm where we always grow crops fo...

          • Kayemba Enock

            Kayemba Enock

            Skills: farming

            • Mpande Juliet

              Mpande Juliet

              Skills: farming Gods way

              • Kisa Esau

                Kisa Esau

                Skills: Farming

                • Caleb Ari

                  Caleb Ari

                  Interests: creating new things @farming