Results for "The Beauty of Pollination - Moving Art%E2%84%A2"


  • Urantia Revelation Artwork for Internet Outreach
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    • 2 members

    Urantia Revelation Artwork for Internet Outreach

    Every new Epochal Revelation creates a Spiritual Renaissance of Culture, Art, Music, Prose, Spiritual Insight, Philosophical Understanding, Intellectual Understanding, Scientific, Social and Religious Growth to propagate itself throughout the world by forming a new universe frame of thinking of ever increasing spiritual liberty, divine enthusiasm, expression and purpose. New levels of Values - Meanings and Things. Truth - Beauty and Goodness
  • Art Nest - Izzy Danielz
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    • 3 members

    Art Nest - Izzy Danielz

    Art Nest Izzy Danielz - If the world needs Art, the people in it will need me. My profession explores visual arts in both the tradition and modern arts of drawings, painting and African crafty works. The type of visual arts and media we use has carved out a creative niche in drawing realistic and hyper realistic works in painting both abstract and realistic art work, with the techniques we use, good at using media like ink from ball point pens, oil based and acrylics or canvas, water colour, charcoal pencils, oil pastels on card and found objects like buttons and bottle caps when doing the modern art, clothes or traditional materials to execute our work.
  • URANTIA DIEHARDS - Raising Young Children in God's Image through the Urantia Revelations BENJAMIN & GODWIN
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    • 12 members

    URANTIA DIEHARDS - Raising Young Children in God's Image through the Urantia Revelations BENJAMIN &...

    Urantia Dihards Magara Benjamin Leader & Godwin Nasser Vice RAISING THE YOUNG CHILDREN IN GOD'S IMAGE THROUGH THE URANTIA REVELATIONS - MISSION; To restore the lost hope for the youth in Uganda. VISION; Improving the youth character, livelihood as well as their economic standards of living.
  • Friends of Bugala island villagers
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    • 3 members

    Friends of Bugala island villagers

    Friends of Bugala island villagers Assisting a small village in Uganda to aquire safe drinking water.
    • open group
    • 10 members


    Derrick Pare | Our Mission Empower communities with practical skills for sustainable livelihoods. | Our Vision To build Self-reliant Communities.
  • Poetry in Motion
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    • 5 members

    Poetry in Motion

    Only a poet can discern poetry in the commonplace prose of routine existence.
  • PUBLIC DISCLOSURE - Things Hidden
    • open group
    • 11 members

    PUBLIC DISCLOSURE - Things Hidden

    So do not make any hasty or premature judgments before the time when the Lord comes again, for He will both bring to light the secret things that are now hidden in darkness and disclose and expose the secret aims motives and purposes of hearts. Then every man will receive his due commendation from God.
  • The Legacy ∴ FHP
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    • 4 members

    The Legacy ∴ FHP

    Mind-Body-Spirit Development Services & Leadership Consultation
  • HART Charity Uganda
    • open group
    • 2 members

    HART Charity Uganda

    Twinomugisha Margaret - HART Charity Uganda is an NGO aiming at bringing both social and economical transformation in deep areas living in extreme poverty.
  • Youth Urantia Scholars
    • open group
    • 30 members

    Youth Urantia Scholars

    Youth Urantia Scholars | Chairman Kato Pare |