Owner: Derrick

Group members: 10



Our Mission

Empower communities with practical skills for sustainable livelihoods.

Our Vision

To build Self-reliant Communities.

Our Objectives

We are an Alter global Network of Friends whose objective is to support economic growth through relevant, comprehensive skills, non-formal skills and vocational training and guiding small businesses and communities. Empowering Youth and Women and Underprivileged Communities is an emphasis of We Empower Foundation.

To empower communities with knowledge and skills for sustainable development.

To become a model training for practical skills development center.

To develop effective management capacity building through skills and knowledge development, information management and networking.

To strengthen the capacity of We Empower Foundation team to effectively deliver to its mandate.

Limited job training opportunities and lack of resources for business start-up have been major barriers to men and women moving forward in their lives and educating and feeding their children.

Low job skills and lack of capacity to make a living also impact mental health. Current Economic Self-Sufficiency Program



  1. Spreading the gospel and evangelism
  2. Providing basic needs to the widows, and elders like clothes, food, soap, salt, fuel for cooking and other necessities of living.
  3. Providing school materials like books, pens, pencils, school uniforms (i.e Trouser for boys, Skirts for girls, shirts, and shoes for both).
  4. Equipping skills to the needy and vulnerable children and the community.
  5. Equipping the children with relevant skills and establishing income-generating projects.




  • Construction of new PIGGERY PROJECT for the youth as their source of income which will also inspire other youth in the community. (The youth are mainly guided and taught how to be transformed into an important person). PIGGERY; Refers to the rearing of pigs. The project may differ in terms of income depending on one’s capital invested in the project, (the more capital invested the more output generated) the projects output may take very little time compared to other projects as in rearing animals because the gestation period of a pig is much shorter compared to a cow or a goat. Secondly, pigs grow faster and their lactation period is also short that is why I chose the piggery project. This is our responsibility to lead these children in a way that will help them to be self-reliant in the future and there they will be able to care for their own families in the old stages.



  1. The youth face a challenge of the long distance covered for mission outreach due to lack of transport when going for gospel outreach in the nearby areas.
  2. The caretakers of the children face a problem of land shortages where they could practice Agriculture.
  3. The children move 2 ½ kilometers to reach the nearby school which doesn’t provide quality education to them.
  4. Limited land for Agriculture.


  1. We plan to practice agriculture on a large scale such that we can get some food from our own Land to reduce the high price of food products.
  2. We also plan if we get sufficient funding to buy food for the caretakers of the children which can be used in the periods of food scarcity.
  3. We also plan to set up a piggery project for the youth such that they can make their own source of income in a community. And also rabbit rearing projects for the children such that our children can be able to help their families in providing home requirements. We require your support, help, prayers, and the guidance of God to turn our dreams into actuals.






Brief description: Derrick Pare | Our Mission Empower communities with practical skills for sustainable livelihoods. | Our Vision To build Self-reliant Communities.

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Derrick Pare | Our Mission Empower communities with practical skills for sustainable livelihoods. | Our Vision To build Self-reliant Communities.

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