According to the *Urantia Book*, after death, human beings undergo a process of spiritual progression and transformation. Here's a simplified explanation of what happens:
1. **Physical Death**: When the physical body dies, the soul (or "morontia soul")—a combination of the divine spirit within and the experiences of the mortal life—survives. This soul is the essence of the individual's identity and spiritual growth.
2. **Survival of the Soul**: The soul is preserved and continues to exist in a new form. It is not immediately conscious but is in a state of "sleep" until it is awakened by celestial beings.
3. **Resurrection and Awakening**: After death, the soul is resurrected on the "mansion worlds," which are progressive training spheres designed for spiritual education and growth. Here, individuals awaken in a morontia body—a transitional form between material and spiritual existence.
4. **Progression Through the Mansion Worlds**: On these worlds, individuals continue to learn, grow, and develop spiritually. They work to overcome imperfections and prepare for higher levels of existence.
5. **Journey Toward Paradise**: Eventually, after progressing through the mansion worlds and other spiritual realms, individuals may reach Paradise, the eternal home of God. This is the ultimate goal, where they achieve final spiritual perfection and union with the Divine.
6. **Eternal Service**: Upon reaching Paradise, individuals may choose to serve in various capacities throughout the universe, contributing to the ongoing creation and administration of the cosmos.
The *Urantia Book* emphasizes that spiritual growth is a continuous process, and the journey after death is one of learning, service, and eventual unification with God.