Do you have instant knowledge/memories of all the lives you've lived once you cross over?

    Atwebembire Owen(Andrew)

     Do you have instant knowledge/memories of all the lives you've lived once you cross over?

    1 Answers

      • Monica Kemp
        By Monica Kemp

         Do you have instant knowledge/memories of all the lives you've lived once you cross over?

        No, but we will have more enhanced mind and that over time, we will have many of our memories back. Let's remember!


        156:5.8 (1739.3) Do not become discouraged by the discovery that you are human. Human nature may tend toward evil, but it is not inherently sinful. Be not downcast by your failure wholly to forget some of your regrettable experiences. The mistakes which you fail to forget in time will be forgotten in eternity. 


        Don't worry about being chased throughout all eternity by regrettable actions, etc!


        Ok, hope this gives you something to think about and read Papers 47 and 48!

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