Is there a life review after we have passed on? ...

    Atwebembire Owen(Andrew)

    Is there a life review after we have passed on? ... 

    1 Answers

      • Monica Kemp
        By Monica Kemp

        Is there a life review after we have passed on? ... 


        According to most of the Near Death Experiences I have watched on YouTube, there seems to be; but they each say how SO LOVING they are in those presentations... and there would only be one, as in these experiences it was to show the people what NOT to do and WHAT to do when they returned to live the rest of their life!

        Was never at all judging, but it is my opinion, that since we know there is NO hell in the hereafter, that as I look at some of the not nice things I have done to different people over my life, that the regret I will feel as I see how harmful my thoughts, actions and words did to someone, will be like Hell for me...the pain i had caused and that is why, as certain people come to my mind now whom I have offended, I sincerely ask for their forgiveness...seeing it in my mind that it reaches them.

        But! "They" also show us what good we had done and how that affected those people...

        Now. These NDE people came back to life here. I think God has found a way through the internet to reveal his perfect, loving nature and a loving existence beyond here, since the churches really have no idea and people are leaving them as they are missing so much valuable information!

        But when we actually leave our fleshy vehicle here permanently, our soul goes on to wait for the return of our TA , who has a copy of the record of our lives and awaits the Archangel call of our name to which our TA will be brought back to our soul. Then returns to match up with our soul and personality to continue on in our adventure off choosing to serve our Father in our program to become Perfect as he commanded us to be. 

        There is a judgment that allows us to go on or not, but we are SO COMPLETELY and FAIRLY judged by many beings in charge of that over and over, that we should have no worries about the final decision by the Ancients of Days, who are finally responsible for that final act. Paul will fully explain our resurrection on the other side.

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