Student Question: Before the 5th Epochal Revelation were there some other epochal revelations or did we started with the 5th epichoal

    Atwebembire Owen(Andrew)





    My students was asking that, we are now in the 5th epichoal which is the Urantia Book. 

    Student Question: Before the 5th Epochal Revelation were there some other epochal revelations or did we started with the 5th epochal  revelation?

    3 Answers

      • Monica Kemp
        By Monica Kemp


        Hello, my dear!

        I am guessing that your questions relate to the other 4 Epochal Revelations...great question as it clearly indicates why our planet is having the difficulties along with the good experiences evidenced by God-knowing people on earth(Urantia) today. 

        These are all in Part III, the history of Urantia, our world, earth. 


        VERY briefly, but you should take each one and study together...


        The 1st Epochal  Revelation was 500 000 years, when the Planetary Prince at the time, Caligastia...who is now deposed, replaced by Jesus/Michael after his return to his rightful place as Master Sovereign of his personally-created universe, came to our world with a staff of 100 - 50 men and 50 women. Their mission was to procreate(have children)and increase the education of the humans at the time; for example, animal husbandry, how to defend themselves from savage animals, cultivation of vegetation family life, education, evolution of government, health, etc...


        There was a  MAJOR rebellion as Lucifer, a most brilliant System Sovereign turned fully against Michael and cleverly convinced our Planetary Prince to side with him and 4/5 of the angelic realm with his lies to revolt against our Creator Michael, as well as the Paradise Father.  This is called the Planetary Rebellion, the beginning of our problems here on earth today.  Papers 66 and a start! 


        The 2nd Epochal Revelation - Adam and Eve - Material Son and Daughter who were chosen because of their outstanding work and studies on their world. They came 37 000 years ago, to correct where the first 

        Revelation went SO wrong, to upstep the spiritual and biological evolution of the humans on the planet. It took 8000 years to complete their Garden, which would hold a million people...! There was a divine plan for that whole mission to be accomplished.


         However, Eve, who desperately wanted to move the plan much faster along, as they were surrounded by such backward people, it was too discouraging to both Adam and Eve, and she was slyly tricked by Caligastia who was still invisibly around, and another innocent party was used to bring her downfall.  She had a baby with a man outside the Garden(named Cano- hence, the boy's name Cain), which was NOT the plan, and therefore, lost access to the Tree of Life which continuously fed them the life-giving energies they needed to maintain their eternal life form. Now they became earthly humans and would die like us...although they lived longer as they had a head start!  They were not charged with rebellion but default and they now serve on the 4 and 20 Council with their eyes on Urantia...

        It was after this sad and unfortunate event that Michael decided to make his final bestowal, arrival to a world of his creatures, here on Urantia...we are SO lucky he did.


        Read the whole story!  Papers 73  to 77...


        The 3rd Epochal Revelation - Machiventa Melchizedek - the current vice-gerent (interim ruler) of our planet. 


        The Melchizedek group of 12 returned to the planet after the Adamic was Default to help with Planetary affairs and are still here. It was decided amongst them, over 4000 years ago from today, for an emergency visit, in the form of a Revelation, to come and rescue, rekindle to flame and belief in ONE GOD here on earth...and that Emergency Son was Machiventa Melchizedek, who appeared as the other Epochal sons as an adult, this time in Chaldea at the time (modern southern Iraq), 1973 years before Jesus. He was known as the Sage of Salem and taught Abraham. He lived here on earth until he went into a tent one night at the age of 94 years and his fellow Melchizedeks took him back. He accomplished his mission of creating that desire to know and celebrate One God and finally became transcribed so in the Hebrew Bible of today, the Old Testament. 


        Papers 93 to 98


        The 4th Epochal Revelation - Our Beloved Jesus, who did NOT came as a full adult,  but as a baby, having to grow up at the hands of his imperfect human parents, Joseph and Mary, wrestling with all of the temptations we do as we live out our life in the flesh. And he did it all perfectly, and fully approved by his/our Universal Father, as his life WAS the perfect reflection/Revelation of our Father, his love for us and the fact of his mercy. 


        And so now, YOU are living in the times of the 5th Elochal Revelation!!! You rea,ize that you are only part of a handful of humans who know what that means?! All the people from the first 4 Epochal Revelations are dead and gone. You/WE are here and we must decide what to do with it!!!


        Ok, hope this helps!



        • Atwebembire Owen(Andrew)
          By Atwebembire Owen(Andrew)

          4. The Gift of Revelation
          92:4.1 (1007.1) Revelation is evolutionary but always progressive. Down through the ages of a world’s history, the revelations of religion are ever-expanding and successively more enlightening. It is the mission of revelation to sort and censor the successive religions of evolution. But if revelation is to exalt and upstep the religions of evolution, then must such divine visitations portray teachings which are not too far removed from the thought and reactions of the age in which they are presented. Thus must and does revelation always keep in touch with evolution. Always must the religion of revelation be limited by man’s capacity of receptivity.

          92:4.2 (1007.2) But regardless of apparent connection or derivation, the religions of revelation are always characterized by a belief in some Deity of final value and in some concept of the survival of personality identity after death.

          92:4.3 (1007.3) Evolutionary religion is sentimental, not logical. It is man’s reaction to belief in a hypothetical ghost-spirit world—the human belief-reflex, excited by the realization and fear of the unknown. Revelatory religion is propounded by the real spiritual world; it is the response of the superintellectual cosmos to the mortal hunger to believe in, and depend upon, the universal Deities. Evolutionary religion pictures the circuitous gropings of humanity in quest of truth; revelatory religion isthat very truth.

          92:4.4 (1007.4) There have been many events of religious revelation but only five of epochal significance. These were as follows:

          92:4.5 (1007.5) 1. The Dalamatian teachings. The true concept of the First Source and Center was first promulgated on Urantia by the one hundred corporeal members of Prince Caligastia’s staff. This expanding revelation of Deity went on for more than three hundred thousand years until it was suddenly terminated by the planetary secession and the disruption of the teaching regime. Except for the work of Van, the influence of the Dalamatian revelation was practically lost to the whole world. Even the Nodites had forgotten this truth by the time of Adam’s arrival. Of all who received the teachings of the one hundred, the red men held them longest, but the idea of the Great Spirit was but a hazy concept in Amerindian religion when contact with Christianity greatly clarified and strengthened it.

          92:4.6 (1007.6) 2. The Edenic teachings. Adam and Eve again portrayed the concept of the Father of all to the evolutionary peoples. The disruption of the first Eden halted the course of the Adamic revelation before it had ever fully started. But the aborted teachings of Adam were carried on by the Sethite priests, and some of these truths have never been entirely lost to the world. The entire trend of Levantine religious evolution was modified by the teachings of the Sethites. But by 2500 b.c. mankind had largely lost sight of the revelation sponsored in the days of Eden.

          92:4.7 (1007.7) 3. Melchizedek of Salem. This emergency Son of Nebadon inaugurated the third revelation of truth on Urantia. The cardinal precepts of his teachings were trust and faith. He taught trust in the omnipotent beneficence of God and proclaimed that faith was the act by which men earned God’s favor. His teachings gradually commingled with the beliefs and practices of various evolutionary religions and finally developed into those theologic systems present on Urantia at the opening of the first millennium after Christ.

          92:4.8 (1008.1) 4. Jesus of Nazareth. Christ Michael presented for the fourth time to Urantia the concept of God as the Universal Father, and this teaching has generally persisted ever since. The essence of his teaching was love and service, the loving worship which a creature son voluntarily gives in recognition of, and response to, the loving ministry of God his Father; the freewill service which such creature sons bestow upon their brethren in the joyous realization that in this service they are likewise serving God the Father.

          92:4.9 (1008.2) 5. The Urantia Papers. The papers, of which this is one, constitute the most recent presentation of truth to the mortals of Urantia. These papers differ from all previous revelations, for they are not the work of a single universe personality but a composite presentation by many beings. But no revelation short of the attainment of the Universal Father can ever be complete. All other celestial ministrations are no more than partial, transient, and practically adapted to local conditions in time and space. While such admissions as this may possibly detract from the immediate force and authority of all revelations, the time has arrived on Urantia when it is advisable to make such frank statements, even at the risk of weakening the future influence and authority of this, the most recent of the revelations of truth to the mortal races of Urantia.


          • Paul Kemp Administrator
            By Paul Kemp Administrator

            A very Important experience for the True Religionists 

            Many truths can only be known by experience.

              99:5.9. It is high time that man had a religious experience so personal and so sublime that it could be realized and expressed only by "feelings that lie too deep for words."

          • Paul Kemp Administrator
            By Paul Kemp Administrator

            Wonderfully done Owen, very informative and truth discerning. May I just  add these few truth postulates to your answer.

              101:4.4 In the last analysis, religion is to be judged by its fruits, according to the manner and the extent to which it exhibits its own inherent and divine excellence.


              101:4.5 Truth may be but relatively inspired, even though revelation is invariably a spiritual phenomenon. While statements with reference to cosmology are never inspired, such revelations are of immense value in that they at least transiently clarify knowledge by:

            1. The reduction of confusion by the authoritative elimination of error.

            2. The co-ordination of known or about-to-be-known facts and observations.

            3. The restoration of important bits of lost knowledge concerning epochal transactions in the distant past.(which you included in your answer Owen)

            4. The supplying of information which will fill in vital missing gaps in otherwise earned knowledge.

            5. Presenting cosmic data in such a manner as to illuminate the spiritual teachings contained in the accompanying revelation.

          • Gumisiriza Julius
            By Gumisiriza Julius

            5.The Urantia papers, (October 12th 1955) these Papers on the work of many beings not a single personality. this is the epochal we are in now.

            4. Jesus of Nazareth . (2,029 Years ago) The importance of his teaching was love and service, the loving worship which a creature son voluntarily gives in recognition of the response to the loving ministry of God.

            3.Edenic teachings. (37,000 Years Ago) Adam and Eve portrayed the concept of the father of all the evolutionary people. The disruption of the first Eden halted the course of the Adamic revelation before it had ever fully started. In this the teachings of Adam were carried on by the Priests and some of those truths have never been entirely lost to the world. Talk of the Lucifer rebellion

            2.Melchizedek of Salam. (1,973 years before Christ) The son of Nebadon taught trust in the omnipotent importance of God and revealed that faith( okwikiriza) was the act by which men earned Gods favor, Gods favor is good at all times.

            1.The Dalamatian teachings. (500,000 years ago) As true concept that is based on the first source and center was firm drafted/ promulgated on the planet in this case here on Urantia. This expanding revelation of deity went on for more than 300,000 years until it was suddenly terminated. The word Deity means the Creator and the Supreme and in this case is God.

            Hopefully this too help you in discovering



          Loving Light and Life Ministries is a faith-driven organization dedicated to spreading Truth, Beauty, and Goodness through spiritual education, humanitarian outreach, and community service.