What does the Urantia Book say is the supreme adventure of God-knowing creatures? Do you have a personal name or designation for God? Has it changed over time?

    Agaba Josephat
    Asked by Agaba Josephat Answers (1)

    Study Group Questions submitted by Agaba Josephat

    Question One

    What does the Urantia Book say is the supreme adventure of God-knowing creatures? Do you have a personal name or designation for God? Has it changed over time?

    1 Answers

      • Monica Kemp
        By Monica Kemp

        What does the Urantia Book say is the supreme adventure of God-knowing creatures? Do you have a personal name or designation for God? Has it changed over time?

        Question 1

        To ME, the Supreme adventure is getting to KNOW God, our Universal Father, first through his Creator Son, Jesus, and then by faith accepting that you are/we are his child/ren! From there, it is our daily efforts to develop a personal relationship and friendship with him, and through daily worship, craving to become more and more like him!  ...and it should be our hope and PLAN, therefore, to fuse(become ONE) with his perfect indwelling Fragment in our mind in order to continue on to his actual presence in Paradise!

        Whew! And he has given us MUCH help, many personal spirit personalities to help us with all this!

        My designation for God, is Father/Father-Dad...yes, it changed over time from when I started to read the UB, Jesus and God (not a very big or personal God) were the only names I used...and the more I got to know him, the more I got used to calling him "Father"...

        "my Father" when I pray.



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