How was the the death of Jesus important. Was it necessary that he had to die.

    Atwebembire Owen(Andrew)








    How was the the death of Jesus important. Was it necessary that he had to die.

    3 Answers

      • Atwebembire Owen(Andrew)
        By Atwebembire Owen(Andrew)








        Jesus came to our planet because he had to live a mortal life to become the Sovereign Ruler of the local universe of Nebadon. We were a dark planet in need of light and help. He made the decision when he was on Mount Hermon (page 1492) after his baptism to not use his powers to help himself but to finish his earthly life as a man among men. Any other man who fought the Jewish Temple system and the priests like Jesus did, would have suffered the same fate as did Jesus. The priests did not want to give up their power over the people. They were making a lot of money off the common folks and Jesus threatened their livelihood. So in their opinion he had to be put to death. He could have lived a long life and died of old age, but the religious structures of 2000 years ago did not want to give up the power. Jesus taught that all that man needed was faith in God, and that God did not need to see the sacrifice of animals to forgive mankind's sins. (Read Paper 173 # 1) Cleansing the Temple, to understand why, among other reasons, they were mad at him. Regular Christians think that he died for the sins of Adam & Eve, ( Original Sin) but that is a false doctrine. He died because any other human in those times would have been put to death for bucking the system like Jesus did. Plus Pontius Pilate was a coward and he gave into the wishes of the Jewish priests. "Such a life on such a planet" ( page 1223)

        • Tumwijukye simon
          By Tumwijukye simon

          The death of Jesus was part of a divine plan to save humanity. The death and resurrection of this one man is at the very heart of the Christian faith. For Christians it is through Jesus's death that people's broken relationship with God is restored. This is known as the Atonement.

          • Monica Kemp
            By Monica Kemp

            You ask SUCH important questions, my dear!


            A. Yes, it was necessary for him to die, not like he did(!), but to have had the experience that every one of his human children will have - leaving this body of the flesh through death. 

            And in leaving, he KNEW he would be sending his combined Spirit of Truth after his ascension to his Father for approval of his full and perfectly-lived life = the combined expression of the Father’s love and the Son's mercy in that Comforter, to all flesh...who desire it so. Which meant he could be with ALL people ALL over this world and the rest of his Universe(!) at the SAME time, not just with those he could visit and teach here while he was in human form.


            180:3.3 (1947.2) “But I will not leave you alone in the world. Very soon, after I have gone, I will send you a spirit helper. You shall have with you one who will take my place among you, one who will continue to teach you the way of truth, who will even comfort you.


            180:3.7...“Thomas, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man goes to the Father except through me. All who find the Father, first find me. If you know me, you know the way to the Father. ..."


            And another reason why he was PUT TO DEATH, was because the greedy,  not religious leaders in the Jewish Sanhedrin were VERY upset with him because he was drawing people away from paying to the Sanhedrin, the money-making market was being upset by him and his followers...they were losing their precious money and followers.

            B. And for why his death was important, you might find this part helpful...take your time with it...VERY important we understand this.

            Paper 188 sections 4 4. MEANING OF THE DEATH ON THE CROSS and . 5. LESSONS FROM THE CROSS Take your time...if you have more questions,  please ask!

            We love your sincere interest in learning!!



          Loving Light and Life Ministries is a faith-driven organization dedicated to spreading Truth, Beauty, and Goodness through spiritual education, humanitarian outreach, and community service.