What did Jesus do after the age of 12 years until 30 years?

    Atwebembire Owen(Andrew)
    Asked by Atwebembire Owen(Andrew) Answers (1)

    1 Answers

      • Monica Kemp
        By Monica Kemp

        Wow, this is such a big question, mainly because the Bible writers did not even know, so there is nothing in the Bible about those missing years!  But he lived as normal a life as any young man of his time. As you read more of his life you will learn that the biggest event happened when he was 14 years old when his father, Joseph, died in a construction accident building Herod’s Palace in another city. 

        Since that time, until he finally left the home to start his public work, he looked after raising and providing for his 8 brothers and sisters, being a tremendous help to his grief-stricken mother Mary. He was a matchless father and a superb brother during all this ministry to his earthly family.

        But it is too large a time to write about here. Instead, may I suggest that you look up in the Table of Contents how old he was that matches your age now!  

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