3. The Land/Building Project: Revision

The Land/Building Project Fundraising


3. The Land/Building Project


Currently, Ronald has opened up his home to the 35 orphans at The Lord's Mercy Foundation and space is extremely limited. We have a vision of building a home for them so that they have plenty of space. 

Ronald has selected a plot of land large enough for the building and, in his words, has enough room for a playground too. The plot of land that he has chosen is $5,000 dollars. We know that God is big enough to provide the home that the children need and deserve, so we are going to put God first and believe in this dream of a nice home for the children! 

Once the plot of land has been bought, we are putting together a trip over to Uganda to help him in the construction of the orphanage. The trip will take place sometime in 2019. I would like to bring a group of volunteers to help with the construction of the building and purchasing supplies while we are there. Men will be great for this project but we also need women. I would like to coordinate the women to visit with the 10 widows in Ronald’s care at their homes, as well as help with the cooking and cleaning, and of course, the best part of all... playing with the children! If you would like to come along on this trip and are able to, please stay tuned as the months go by for updates on the fundraiser to purchase the land. I have been to Uganda in 2017 and will be available to answer any questions that you have. 

This is certainly an exciting time for all of us and I urge you to pray and seek God’s guidance as to what part he has called each of us to play, whether it be financial or physically volunteering.

*** Click on the Donate button below to contribute to our Land/Building project.*** 





1. Mattresses for all of the children. 

    Earlier this year, we successfully raised $700.00 to be able to purchase 35 mattresses for all of the children at the foundation. We were also going to be raising funds for bunk beds after that, but we realized that the more immediate need was land for the children to have a real orphanage on. I believe Ronald is accurate in feeling that a home with space is a higher priority at the moment than bunk beds. So once we are able to give the children enough space, we can work on raising funds for the bunk beds again.

2. Farm Animals for income. 

    We have bought three piglets for The Lord's Mercy Foundation. The piglets live in a homemade shelter on the grounds of the property and the older children are involved in caring for the piglets. All of the piglets are female. Once the piglets are grown and have piglets of their own, Ronald will sell the new piglets for income to help take care of the children. He has a neighbor not to far away with male pigs that will contribute when the female piglets are grown. 

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Lord's Mercy Foundation

Wantanda Ronald Lord's Mercy Foundation - There are over one million orphan children in Uganda because of the AID's epidemic. Please consider becoming involved in the NGO/CBS (Non Government Organization / Community Based Services) that are attempting to care for these children.
