Redeemer's Agape Dominion ministries - Ssemwombwe Elisha


Redeemer's Agape Dominion Ministries

Agape, Greek agapē, in the New Testament, the Fatherly Love of God for humans, as well as the human reciprocal love for God. In Scripture, the transcendent agape love is the highest form of love.

Redeemer's Agape Dominion Ministries

A life transforming non profit Organization aimed at elevating the standards of those in need, spreading the Gospel,teach people the revelation, show people Christ's love in different ways like helping them, rehoming the homeless, support orphans,feed people,look after children and elderly. We aim at creating a family under a unifying umbrella of a same and common goal of creating a change in lives of people, showing them hope to those with emotional traumatic experience especially children who lost loved ones, we aim at creating a new generation deep rooted in Christ, revelation, giving them reasons to continue moving and sailing through life challenges This is a humble request to everyone to join us and we be a reason to why someone has a smile Any aid is highly appreciated Gospel truth Items Counselors Any donations is welcomed REDEEMER'S AGAPE DOMINION MINISTRIES Manifesting the love of Christ.


If you have questions about this Campaign please send an email

 Redeemer's Agape Dominion

Brief description: A life transforming non profit Organization aimed at elevating the standards of those in need, spreading the Gospel,teach people the revelation, show people Christ's love in different ways like helping them, rehoming the homeless, support orphans,look after children and elderly. We aim at creating a family under a unifying umbrella of a same and common goal of creating a change in lives of people, showing them hope to those with emotional traumatic experience especially children who lost loved ones, we aim at creating a new generation deep rooted in Christ, revelation, giving them reasons to continue moving and sailing through life challenges This is a humble request to everyone to join us and we be a reason to why someone has a smile.


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Redeemer's Agape Dominion ministries - Ssemwombwe Elisha

Redeemer's Agape Dominion ministries - Ssemwombwe Elisha

A life transforming non profit Organization aimed at elevating the standards of those in need, spreading the Gospel,teach people the revelation, show people Christ's love in different ways like helping them, rehoming the homeless, support orphans,look after children and elderly. We aim at creating a family under a unifying umbrella of a same and common goal of creating a change in lives of people, showing them hope to those with emotional traumatic experience especially children who lost loved ones, we aim at creating a new generation deep rooted in Christ, revelation, giving them reasons to continue moving and sailing through life challenges This is a humble request to everyone to join us and we be a reason to why someone has a smile.

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