Broken 2 Healed

Owner: Nicole Howard

Group members: 4


Broken 2 Healed

Welcome to the group. We are excited to have you here. This group is all about people that are damaged, hurt, broken and rejected. We aim to prove to you the only hope for wholeness is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

We will be here for you if you need to talk or cry, or a shoulder to lean on. We are also here to teach you the Word of God so He can deliver you and make you whole.

You will also see pictures of children that are damaged, broken, hurt and rejected, and starving. They need your help too. We hope that as you heal you will be able to help someone else heal.



Brief description: Nicole Howard - Broken 2 Healed - Welcome to Broken2Healed (Isaiah 61). We are a non profit organization reaching to help orphanages in Africa, and to build where more are needed. Your love and donations are needed and so appreciated.
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Broken 2 Healed

Broken 2 Healed

Nicole Howard - Broken 2 Healed - Welcome to Broken2Healed (Isaiah 61). We are a non profit organization reaching to help orphanages in Africa, and to build where more are needed. Your love and donations are needed and so appreciated.

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