Ayo Pax's friends

    • Agaba Josephat
      • Kitagwenda Uganda

      Agaba Josephat

      • Darlene Hedrick Sartore
        • Princeton, Indiana - USA

        Darlene Hedrick Sartore

        • Emilly Jackrine Tusaba

          Emilly Jackrine Tusaba

          EMILLY JACKRINE TUSABA (Director Garden of Hope Children's Ministry Uganda).I lost my father when I was Two (2) Months old.This means I never got any chance to talk to my father. I have spent all my life with a single mother.Growing with a single mother,I have faced alot of torture, suffering and mistreatment. I had a dream of becoming a doctor but it didn't come true because my mother had no money to support my education up to the University or Institute.With the little education I under took, I decided to work on my own ventures for self sustainability which gave me a grace and compassion to initiate a Christian and Children's Ministry in the name of " Garden of Hope Children's Ministry Uganda". to cater for the loved ones who lack the care takers in Uganda.
          • Godwin Nasasira (Nasser)
            • Gumisiriza Julius

              Gumisiriza Julius

              • Kato Pare
                • Ibanda Uganda

                Kato Pare

                • Manyi john
                  • Iganga main street-uganda

                  Manyi john

                  44:3.1 There are cities "whose builder and maker is God." In spirit counterpart we have all that you mortals are familiar with and inexpressibly more. We have homes, spirit comforts, and morontia necessities. For every material satisfaction which humans are capable of enjoying, we have thousands of spiritual realities that serve to enrich and enlarge our existence. The divine builders function in seven groups: